Dreamshaper Felix and Sith Dusk
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"That won't be a problem unless you make trouble there - well, unless she thinks you're trying to leave with the dreamshard, but that seems easy enough to avoid. I recommend not mentioning Dusk, though, while you're there - they'll figure out that something is going on soon enough if they see you and I coming and going together, but if you're too casual about her you'll scare them pretty badly."


Nod. "She's really not unreasonable, she just has a very Sithy perspective on things."


"Yeah, I can see how that would happen."


Nod. "If you need anything from her - I don't have infinite latitude or influence, but within reason I can usually bring her around."


Nod. "Generally we only need things that are more about skill - the ability to navigate around the culture, expertise on Sith, things that are not searchable in an encyclopedia - and are secure in our material needs."


"Yes, that's what I mean. I'll help, too, but - I'm twelve, and I've lived here most of my life, there are some pretty sharp limits to that."


"Okay, true. I don't really have any specific question right now, but I will come to you when I do."


"All right. I'll go see how she's doing, then."



She goes.


Dusk is napping.


She puts the speeder in the garage and goes to take care of the livestock and garden.


Days go by. Trevor does not avoid Dusk, but does not seek her out. He generally stays in Felix's dimension reading and only occasionally goes around flying above the desert.

Does a week pass without incident?


If he tries to leave Felix's dimension too soon after sunset, he'll encounter her practicing with her saber in the yard; it's easy enough to just turn around and go back in, but she tends to be at it for at least an hour at a time.


Yeah, he will follow Daisy advice and avoid the Sith with the lit lightsaber.


Then yes, they can make it through the week without incident.

A few days into it, she comes to talk to him about the droids; she suggests getting six, to have three shifts of two watching the shard and the area - "Droids need work," she explains, "in order to feel satisfied; it's hard-coded. Eight hours a day is about as little as I expect them to be able to tolerate; they'll be happier if they can do other things for you, too. Helping them come up with hobbies will ease that a little, but not entirely; they like being busy and they need to be useful. You should still plan to make time for them, too; they'll have each other to talk to, and that will help, but they'll have questions eventually that they shouldn't be left to figure out on their own. Does that sound manageable?"


"It does sound like. Are the questions hard to answer?"


"Depends on how you do with philosophical stuff. They're going to want to know why you treat them one way and everybody else treats droids a different one, eventually, unless you keep them too secluded to notice it - which I don't recommend; they'll do better with it than a human would but I'd still expect them to end up a little strange, that way."


Nod nod. "Uh, we will do our best to do right by them."


She nods, satisfied. "You and Felix should go with Daisy, when she gets them; their personalities won't be very set yet even if she's getting older ones, but you'll be able to get a little bit of an idea of what they'll be like, avoid ending up with someone you can't get along with."


He nods along. "Felix likes most people... he should emerge in a few days. His body is almost completely grown."




"How would you like to... uh, being introduced to him?"


"That seems like something that should be left up to him, considering."

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