Dreamshaper Felix and Sith Dusk
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"Thank you."


"Anything else you'd like to know? I am not a dreamshaper, but I have the memories of one."


She considers. "If someone does get the shard, what kind of trouble are we looking at? Worst case."


"Huh... I think there are kinds of worst case. One is something similar to what happened to Felix, someone kidnaps people and turns them into dreamshapers without waking them up, except one for accessibility. Another is that someone becomes a dreamshaper with a particularly dangerous or powerful dimension. But the more powerful the magic the longer it takes to make, and possibly less likely to crop up."


Nod. "Both of those seem plausible, for Sith. Or a master empowering their apprentices, that also seems likely. Are there- known patterns, with dangerous dimensions?"


"What sort of patterns do you mean? We don't have a lot of hard data on the thing - dreamshaping is actually a secret in our universe - and the specifics of a dimension would be hard to predict in advance. Like, I expect conquest-prone people to have the ability to make weapons or soldiers, maybe harmful ambient magic, but nothing more specific than that."


"That's the type of thing I meant, yes - most Sith are conquest-prone, in one sense or another; if one of them gets the shard I want at least some kind of plan for how to deal with it, even if it's one that needs to be adjusted for the situation."


"Oh, absolutely."

Trevor thinks.

"What sort of... resources would you want to create to prevent a Sith from owning the shard?"


"Making it physically hard to get to mostly won't work." She pats her saber. "Blocking them from being able to hear it would help, though; I don't have any information on materials that could do that here, but I know they exist, and I can order books or samples if Felix can't make them just based on that. Or just keeping it in a closed dimension might work; we should test that. Keeping it and the general area under surveillance is a good idea, too - that's worth getting some droids for, but I'll want to think about the logistics of it before I go ahead and do that, it's a big commitment. And - being ready to run, basically. I'm strong enough to take most Sith one-on-one but for something like this we absolutely shouldn't count on there only being one Sith."


He nods along. "That all sounds reasonable. Felix got a lot of technological options from coming to this universe, but we don't know if it's literally all technology. And... well, one thing that might be worth noting is that Felix can make people, including droids. But getting droids is better than letting them being constantly wiped."


"Absolutely. It won't be a trivial expense, but I can cover it."









"I - if we're -"



"Of course we can buy your friend, Love."


"All right. Thank you."


"Oh, absolutely. Is there anyone else we should buy? Money should be easy to acquire."


"Oh, Daisy'll be doing the buying anyway, I don't go into town, that was just her having someone in mind who isn't an obvious fit for the job."


"Ah. I meant 'should' in the sense of 'the things they're doing to droids is abominable and we can't save them all today, but if there is some we could save today' instead of something more tactical."



Oh dear. "...Dusk..."



"I know, Love."



To Trevor: "...maybe you'd better go. I'll come by and explain later."





He leaves.


She comes by after fifteen minutes or so.

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