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Lucette faces Plot
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Ugh, why does everyone cry about this? Admittedly the light irritates the eyes but nowhere near that badly!


"I will shend messhengersh to all the tribesh. We will make the journey. To live and die as crushadersh onshe more."

"But it will take time to organize. Even the firsht partiesh, the huntersh and fightersh, will take several gongs to gather."

"You are welcome here, uplandersh. Resht, and wait. Our homesh are yoursh. Anything you need, we will provide if we can."

"And - shank you."


"If the tribe is killed in the Maze, it will be on your head," Wenduag hisses furiously at Lann, and at the rest of the party by proxy. "Look around you! Look at the old and frail, those born too twisted to run, these hungry husks of men and women! You think they can make it through the Maze? That the surfacers won't drive us back down?!"


"We'll take those who can fight first! We'll clear the way, and help fight off the demons -"


"The tribes can't protect themselves down here if we all leave! They can't hunt for food! They'll have to follow us, or die trying! And after half of us have died in your war, the people won't survive here or there!"


"Wenduag! Enough." Sull has a different tone when speaking to one of his own in his capacity as Chief, and everyone respects it, even hotheads like "half-surfacer" Lann and "strongest hunter" Wenduag. Down in the Neath, survival requires unity, and having each other's back at all times.

"We will shtay one people. The tribesh will agree. Move, live, and if we fail, die ash one."

"If Kenabresh fightsh, we musht help. If they fall, how long will we lasht, hiding from the demonsh in our tunnelsh? No, even if we can hide, shome shings are worsh rishking our livesh for. We are crushadersh. In our bonesh and our blood, our ansheshtral legashy."

"You will clear our way, we will not shend the old and young into battle. But we will follow after, becaushe we are a people, with one purposhe."


"I am sorry we didn't know about you. I am proud to know you now." 


"Yes! We welcome everyone who wants to join the crusades. Or rejoin them! It's something to be proud of, and to honour. I'm very glad I got to meet you."


Wenduag makes a noise like a spitting cat. She won't challenge Sull, which leaves picking on Lann.

"We started with three younglings lost to the Maze, and now we're all going after them. By the time the tribes are assembled it will be too late for the kids. Have you given up on saving them?"


"Chief? Could we send a party right now to look for the kids - a sort of vanguard for the vanguard?"


Sull considers this. "I agreed with Wenduag, it would be too dangeroush to shend jusht the two of you. And I won't shend everyone elshe away until the other tribesh arrive."

"What shay you, uplandersh? Would you brave the Maze with Lann and Wenduag before the tribesh can asshemble? Do you need to resht?"

"I have no right to require thish of you. You are already our friendsh and welcome gueshtsh, and we are in your debt for awakening the Light. I would not ashk you to rishk yourshelvesh for our shake, but I do not know your shtrengsh. You can follow the vanguard with the resht of the tribe, if you wish."


"I just woke up." For weird kidnapping reasons, but still. "And I've only expended the one spell. I'm good." She looks at the others. 


"I used my only smite when the demons attacked. And half my lay on hands to heal myself after I fell down into the caves, but I still have a few. I'm good to keep going."


"I prepared all healing, because I wasn't expecting a fight, and then I used up most of that after falling down. I'd rather rest first, but if you're all going, I don't want to stay behind."


"My leg's not perfect, it'd be better with another cure lights, but I can shoot things and if I have to run away I don't think it will give out, as long as it's only for a few rounds."


"Oh - we can ask Dyra to channel early if we're going. And she might have a healing potion or two for emergencies. Dyra's our cleric of Abadar, which means she's our trader too, even though she gets to do a lot less of the latter. What with the lack of trade routes passing through."


Firmly: "Up 'till now." 


Dyra is possibly the most excited person in the whole village to see them, because she's as just happy as the other neathers about going crusading but also, she gets to trade with surfacers!!!

They are welcome to peruse her (sadly meager) stock, which includes two potions of cure light wounds, simple weapons and ammunition (non-magical), clothes, various tools and materials, and she can also cast these zeroth and first-circle spells for them. 

(And gather everyone for an earlier-than-usual channel to heal Anevia's leg; channels are already traded to the community and it doesn't cost anything to move one forward with Chief Sull's permission.)

She apologizes in advance for having pricing that is almost certainly much less accurate than the above-ground standard for Abadar's priests! She does her best but it's hard when there's no-one to learn from.

She was going to ask them if they had any surface things they were willing to sell, or stories they could tell her, but they're in a hurry so she just wishes them safe travels and hopes she'll get to see the surface for herself soon.


Lucette has a couple of expensive silver daggers on her person as holdout weapons and would be happy to trade them for a couple of potions. The thing about pricing is that it does, actually, matter, in a way that Abadar cares about, that they don't have access to other sources of potions right now!


That's completely right, but it's not exactly proof that the daggers should be valued exactly the same as the potions! In fact it would be odd for them to match one dagger to one potion without any change left over! 

Dyra has no real idea how to evaluate the quality of a silver dagger. If Lucette doesn't expect to need them soon (for fighting devils or werewolves) then the resale value is what matters. Does Lucette know what they'd sell for in Kenabres? (They wouldn't sell for very much in the Neath, because no-one's wealthy enough to afford them without a pressing need.)

If Lucette doesn't know, Dyra will still offer price - people don't have to completely stop trading when they don't know what the market's doing - but it might be a really unfair inaccurate one. Or if Lucette could pay in gold or coin or gems or other such fungibles, that would obviously solve the problem.


An older (human) man, dressed in clothes that were very fine until recently, limps up to them. "Mrs Tirabade, Miss Wex! Finally, some familiar faces! I am fortunate to find you here. Is there a liquidity problem? Horgus Gwerm can solve those."


Yes! Please solve our liquidity problem, surfacer with Abadar's Scales sewn into his coat in gold thread!!!


"Hello, Horgus Gwerm." 


"I surmise you fell down like I did? One of these 'neathers' found me and helped me here. I was terrified when I first saw him, but they're decent fellows!"

"And hello to you, Banker Dyra." She almost certainly doesn't serve the actual function of a banker, but Horgus Gwerm does not disrespect clerics of Abadar. "I believe I have enough gold coins on me to buy whatever these ladies needed of you at a fair price." (The only non-lady present is Lann, and Horgus Gwerm can be excused for not realizing he is a party member.)

"For which, I propose that you recompense me by safely leading me back to the city. I will pay you a thousand gold crowns for that, including the cost of whatever you need to buy from Dyra that would help that goal."


"...Okay, sure. That sounds fine." This is kind of a weird interaction to be having but she's not going to argue. 

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