It's an appealing career option. Trouble is I couldn't explain what I did to anyone who wasn't in the know.
I tell people, mostly honestly, that I sell custom made, very intricate jewelry. Though I think some people assume I'm paid for my volunteer work, too. There's options, if you're seriously inclined.
I am inclined. Although I came to magic pretty recently and have already learned enough to be stunned that more people don't take it up as a career. Competition is thin on the ground.
High margins but small market, few learning opportunities? Plus the danger factor, not everyone can swallow spells ;_;
Well, now you belong to the tiny market, congratulations.
If it were anyone else, Vivian would worry about not being able to check pronunciation in person- phonetic guides only go so far- but... May swallows spells. She decides not to worry about exploding, mispronounced spells.
She does research the ability, though. Just in case.
And when she's found enough passing references to dragons as 'spell-eaters' and similar, she emails May. I've found some books that talk about swallowing spells. Would you like a copy?
There's... kind of a trend? I'm sorry, I looked, I couldn't find anything about other species being able to do anything like it.
I've never met any other wyverns except for the question mark that is my parents. Are we not related?
They are, but the magics don't seem to overlap. It's not uncommon with critters; Nemean lions and gryphons and sphinxes all descend from lions in some way but they all have different abilities.
Yeah, you caught me. Let's not put the charismatic megafauna in a zoo, huh?
I have absolutely no interest in zoos, promise. But if you wanted to learn more, do you want scans of anything? I know some of my books are kind of obscure.
Then she goes to find Isabella to report.
"I wasn't going to say anything without permission from you, sphinxette. What do you think?"
Vivian emails May again.
Books incoming! Sorry you're about to get a million emails, the scans are pretty big.
Also- thank you for telling me. I know it was scary. I was only trying to protect my daughter. She's... actually a sphinx. I was afraid of what would happen if a dragon found us.
Setting aside the issue of 'why', which is a long and fairly personal answer- as for 'how', I believe I've mentioned the spell to you?
Your methodology could have used more than two minutes of thought. Worked out okay, but, seriously.
Unless you have some concerns about sphinxes I should know about, my daughter and I will probably discuss a slow reveal soon. I know she's been eager to be less secretive about her healing. Anything you can think of?
Assuming you mean reveal to critters/knowledgeable humans instead of the general population, media probably won't be that much of a problem, but I bet people would be worried about a recurrence of the war, so I'd be inclined to do it with her. But I don't know which of my parents is a dragon or how many others there might be - known to themselves or not.