"Oh, of course. I'm just a bit unsettled at the moment. It'll wear off and I'll feel horribly dumb. The handwriting just startled me."
Vivian looks over it again. "I could nitpick a couple things if you want to be exact, but it'll work as written."
May puts the necklace on, and vanishes! Only her wheelchair remains. She reappears in the process of taking it off. "Woo. Flying to school, here I come."
"Your wheelchair didn't vanish," Vivian mentions. "Do you have an extra at school, if you fly?"
"I don't always need it. My legs can move and support weight and so on, it's mostly a clumsiness issue, and I leave it home half the time anyway when there's no ice on the ground. I can make a separate doodad for the chair if I want, though, since the spell works."
It's impolite to just start correcting another person's spell without prompting. "Would you like tips on changing a spell target when the target's no longer animate?"
"I have some preliminary notes on that, although I didn't put a lot of time into developing it without the necklace, since an invisible chair by itself would just mean I could appear to float around in a sitting position - admittedly cool but not practical. Here." May flips to another page and shows Vivian the notes.
And May makes the suggested adjustments and then fairly adroitly composes them all into a tidy diagram.
As soon as they reach the park, the smaller girl shifts into the form of a tiny pegasus and starts galloping around the park. A high pitched "Wheeeeeeeeeeee!" trails behind her.
It's not a very large park; she eventually passes Vivian and May and skids to a stop, wings fluffing out behind her. "Hiiiii!"
Anne is not as careful about memorization, but she does at least know that May goes to school with Jenny and anyone she meets in Avalon already Knows About Things. This is good enough. "I'm a PEGASUS now! I got my medallion! Look look look, I have wings now!" She flails them around haphazardly, avoiding hitting anything almost entirely by accident.
More flapping ensues, more vigorously this time. A few inches of lift are achieved, along with tiny cyclones of leaves and grass flying away from her in every direction.
"I flew, I flew, I flew!"
At this point Jenny has managed to convince Tom to kick a ball around with his little brother and for Patrick to stop sulking and play with Tom, you'll get your medallion soon too, and can come over to check on Anne. "Oh hi May! Sorry if Anne's bothering you and-" she fails to recognize the person standing with May, "-your friend."
"Am not!" Anne objects. "May's nice! And she's seen me fly now!"
Jenny, who has seen this 'flying' for herself, giggles.
"This is - somebody who hasn't introduced herself," says May. "Who has been giving me runecasting tips. I have a necklace of Gyges now."
"Oh, sorry, I wrote it down in your book but didn't think to say..." Vivian trails off with a sigh at herself. "I'm Vivian Sun. I'm a runecaster from California."
"Jennyyyyyyy," Anne squirms, nipping at her sister's side for lack of hands to poke her with. "Jenny what's a necklace of Jeeze?"
"No, actually, I'm staying with a couple of college friends," Vivian murmurs, and leaves it at that.
"There's an old story about a ring that could turn people invisible, called the Ring of Gyges. I have a necklace that does that now," May explains to the little pegasus. "So I'm calling it a necklace of Gyges."
"Oh hey you did it! Eeee, that's great! Congrats!" Jenny contributes. There has been occasional discussion of Relevant Things at school; she's at least vaguely aware of May's magical plans most of the time.