"Nobody here had the time and inclination. I'll be elsewhere come summer vacation and may try again there, but I'm making good progress. Not that it isn't a rude awakening to learn that I've only narrowly escaped death by swallowed incantation."
...she wants to learn more about this 'wyvern' girl who swallows spells without concern. And, if she continues to be (defensive but) overall generally reasonable, maybe introduce her carefully to Isabella. Later. Eventually.
"I know I'm not particularly local, but I do travel. If someone will vouch for me, are you still interested in lessons?" Because this girl's books are clearly failing her. Swallowing spells, what next? "Assuming I haven't offended you beyond repair, anyway."
"I respond well to glue. And, maybe. What's your best guess about whether my ability to swallow spells will suddenly fail me?"
Glue? Oh, repair. "Honestly? My best guess is that if you've managed it this long," and are in fact a dragon, "it's not liable to disappear. The etiquette around casting interruptions would mostly only be useful to you when interacting with other runecasters."
"Noted. I've been working out of Connie White's Rune Dictionary and Spellcraft For Theorists and The Wizard Book, mostly. Opinions?"
Vivian is not the world's most tactful creature, and she's beyond terrible at fishing for information, but runecasting she can do! Runecasting she is very, very good at.
May has been diligently taking notes this entire time. "Does Connie White's Western bias make her book worse as reference material? I'm not trying to calibrate my cultural relativism with my spellbooks."
"If you look up a rune in there and you find it, you're fine. But I picked up a dictionary the last time I was in Shanghai and there's definitely some runes missing. Incomplete, but not inaccurate that I've seen."
"Does your dictionary from Shanghai come in English? My epicanthal folds are, A, Japanese, B, just for decoration."
"I haven't looked, since I'm fluent, but I can give you the author's name and the title." She considers. "If you have a piece of paper I can write it down; Chinese names don't always translate well."
May has a notebook in her lap. She opens it to a blank page and hands it over, with the pencil.
Then she adds her name and email address at the bottom for good measure before handing it back. Just in case.
"You're welcome." She looks down at the necklace May is holding. "Would you like any help with- whatever you were casting? To make up for my interruption."
"I think I have it worked out, but I thought so last time I tried it, too." May flips pages and shows her a diagram. "Supposed to turn me invisible. I have a working per-occasion version out of a book but I want a necklace for it." There is an English incantation at the bottom and two drafts of a French translation.
She doesn't want to annoy the girl further, though. How to ask? Maybe not just yet. It's horribly unlikely this notebook belongs to Isabella, Vivian's never seen the book in her life and Isabella would have cried bloody murder if one went missing. But she could watch her write, maybe.
"...It looks like it should work, but this rune-" she points, "isn't necessarily your best bet for object bindings. Try this one." She describes it. She's not lying, the rune she suggested is in fact better, but she really just wants to see how May writes it.
Her runes, the arithmetic she does in the margin, and her rewritten incantation are all in Isabella's writing.
"I know that handwriting," Vivia blurts without thinking. "That's my daughter's handwriting, how did you do that?"
"...This is my handwriting," says May. "Maybe we had the same penmanship workbook or something?"
"And the same vocal coach, apparently. You sound like her, too. It's bizarre, you look nothing like her."
Vivian chokes. "The eyebrow thing too. And if you're religious about notebooks I officially eliminate coincidence."
"Look, I will grant that if I sound and write and... raise my eyebrow... like your daughter this would be unusual but aren't you jumping to conclusions?"