"Poor Vivian," says Isabella. "Would we look good on a black and white informative flyer together, do you think?"
"You'll miss the dramatic blue and gold effect, but I think being a dragon and a sphinx will make up for that just fine."
Vivian shrugs. "I'm self employed and Isabella is home schooled. We planned for a few days, but we're not in a rush."
"That's long enough to be worth checking out the local Avalon, maybe starting there as a testbed and gauging responses?" suggests May. "I don't actually know how to drive there, I found it on a really old map and that was after I made my charm, but I've made more since so I can show Isabella and we can look at the roads as we go."
"I can amuse myself," Vivian promises. "I still want to tweak that composting spell, and I have to write back to that couple in Michigan, and... well, whatever else is scribbled down somewhere," she sighs. "Go on, you two, have fun flying."
May gets herself and her magical sphinx duplicate each an invisibility charm. They turn invisible, the door opens with some giggling and sounds of teenage girls bumping into each other, the door closes, and they fly away.
Vivian introduces herself to Charlie and asks for someplace out of his way to write some letters. The kitchen table turns out to be the easiest solution, so she fetches her stationary from the car and starts working on a response to the Michigan gryphons. Charlie inquires if she minds if he turns on the game; she somewhat distractedly assures him that she doesn't. The equilibrium seems to work for them both, broken only by occasional yells from the television set whenever a goal is scored or the hockey players get into the inevitable fights.
The girls are gone for several hours, but May calls Charlie in the middle of this period of time to tell him that they're getting dinner and should not be awaited. Charlie makes sandwiches and offers Vivian one.
Vivian accepts it with a smile and a thank you. It's not fine cuisine, but it's tasty enough. When she's done, she washes what few dishes resulted; it seems only polite, since Charlie made the food.
Later, the door opens on its own, and closes on its own. There is giggling.
They take off their necklaces with their free hands. Their occupied hands have interlaced fingers.
Vivian has never managed the arched eyebrow of surprise that Isabella is so fond of, but manages a look comfortably close to "raised eyebrows" anyway. "So you two had fun then?" she asks dryly.
"There's a joke there," snorts Charlie, "about your healthy self-esteem. Isn't quite coming together."
"I will take it as meant."
"I'll try to restrain my teasing about rampant narcissism," Vivian jokes.
There's a couple serious conversations about this to have with Isabella later, but they can just get in line with all the other conversations about dragons and sphinxes. And none that need to occur in front of May or Charlie.
"Did you find the Avalon, at least?"
"Yeah, I can point out the route on a map if you want to drive there, but it's really nothing much and kind of far away if you can't just coast over the mountains."