sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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"Uh - I haven't walked around unobstructed on Earth in a century and a half. It might be doable all online..."


"With a daeva translator?"


"Or your dad."


"My dad would have lots of fun on Earth but I would not bet on a successful house-purchase operation."


"I just meant for translation, but yeah, fair enough."


"If the rest of the team was good at their jobs he would probably not impede house-purchasing. Much. Telkam on the other hand will try to dismantle your demon-phobia. Quite possibly by summoning several dozen demon co-conspirators and enrolling them in local schools and so on."




He shakes his head but carefully refrains from making a face.


"Congratulations on not attempting to murder your sister in law or whatever the appropriate response is supposed to be."


Now he maybe makes a face. "She must have trusted you."


"I will follow up if she mysteriously vanishes, if that's what you mean."


"I mean it was safer for us to find out when you were in the room, yes." Sigh.




"Do you want to brief some people on how to buy your house?"


"My dad's house. His ex-house. He's lived in Limbo in a copy of that house as it was during his lifetime for a hundred years. Do we know yet what you would do with this house?"


"Sneak a hundred thousand colonists in batches off onto waiting lightleapers which would take them really really far away from Earth, far enough to make it inconvenient for humans to come visit even once they have lightleapers themselves - I assume they'd need some kind of information about how to aim -"


"They do. Also apparently it's possible for things to go wrong sometimes but I never actually had a problem piloting lightleapers on fifteen minutes' instruction, so."


"So send them really far away, set them up nicely and let them get to colonizing, have them all be summoners, once one conceived this spring dies we have an answer. If it's a good answer, great, we send more and they can all be daeva-reliant and have no population controls at all and probably have fifteen kids apiece. If it's not, they do the same as the other colony planets - no summoning except for the occasional major project, for which we use demons who won't work with humans, two-per-family with auctioned credits on top of that to get you to an average of three per family."


"I think humans might notice even if you just have everybody fairy out past Neptune in small batches."


"What are humans likely to do?"


"I'm not really sure."


"- Amentans would, depending where this happened, follow them, arrest them, shoot them down, take them hostage and make demands of their society of origin..."


"Arrest possible, shooting the summoner possible, hostage situation unlikely, following possible till they got as far as the lightleapers and then they might try to send a stowaway or something."


"Will they shoot anyone if the summoner isn't present?"


"They don't like to escalate if there's daeva around and they can't shoot the summoners. They might do it anyway if you won't stop and chat."

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