Winter has come to New York, and with it, a blizzard. Ezekiel Lennox, being deterred by neither wind nor snow, has set himself to the task of clearing out the corpses from a commercial zone. He wants to put on an ice fair.
Tears are beginning to well in her eyes. She's still sore from the fight, her nose in the process of healing. She decides to flee before breaking down in front of the punkers. She makes a beeline for Jo.
She hugs her tight, despite the bruising. "Yvonne's stupid not-sister beat me up and-and-and a bunch of my punkers made her their queen and she said she was going to make them all vampires and-and-and-"
She breaks down in tears.
She breathes heavily.
"But not right now. And she's good a fighter." She hated admitting that.
"Then I need to practice. Can't go in overconfident that my bigness will work. Some of your punkers stayed? That's good. I'm worried what she'll do with the ones she stole though."
"Hm, if they stayed now they'll stay later when you make a comeback. And plus, now you know which ones are loyal."
"Yeah. I'm tired. Could you read me a story?"
Sometimes it's extremely evident that there's a functional age difference between Tabitha and her friend.
"Sure thing... Any particular story?"
A cheery story is probably a good idea here? Maybe? She has no idea.
She fetches a random book just for show, she'll probably be reciting from memory if the choice is left up to her.
Little Red Riding Hood it is. She doesn't have a hard copy of it on hand, so she sets Tabby on one of the couches in her lair, sits down on the next spot, and opens her random book before reciting the opening lines...
He smells nervous. Maybe he's just realised travelling via wolf-shape means he has no pockets to carry bullets or other such barter goods. At least he can't very well shoplift.
"Good, good. Me and Angie are going to head back home in a couple days."
"I wish you luck and hope you don't overhunt around here. We've been being careful about boar populations."
"There's some things Daddy would like us to pick up for the pack if we can. Mind if I come in and look? I can go get bullets or something if I see anything."
"As long as you can pay for it somehow, sure, you can look around the front area."
His metal wire cage leaves a lot of space for visitors to wander around in, and a lot of stuff displayed around it, but it's still restricting him to the front part of the store.
He makes a good show of looking at some farm tools. "What'd you pale kids do to get Yvonne to like you so much?"
"Being her kind is almost exactly why she wants nothing to do with you. She wants to be Vyonne the cool band organizer, not Yvonne one of those wolves."