divinity: original sin II spoilers
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Yes, he also thinks she should not confess her sins to people who might murder her for them. Because it would be selfish. Because they need her to save the world.


Lucien always thought that way. And it's not that she thinks he was mistaken, exactly, but - Lucien lost. Lost doing great evil that made it harder for the world to respond to the next horror, little as he had a choice. Alexandar seems to be exploring the possibility that Lucien lost because he wasn't evil enough.

Imene is not sure that there is reason to believe it actually goes better, doing the wrong thing all the time because you are desperate and have no affordance to do any better.


She closes her eyes. “Lucien designed - a portal to another realm. He sent me with it, to deliver a warning, and help people evacuate. It would not have saved everyone, of course. We thought maybe around half, if they had three days’ warning. More, if they had ten. I was hoping to arrive in time to give twelve…And the remediation project would still have been very difficult, and I know the trees were important, not just the people… it would still have been a terrible deed had it gone precisely according to plan, and Lucien and we who obeyed him were the ones who took the risk that it wouldn’t. But - not a great victory. A terrible terrible failure.”


Alaherren looks at her with a look of rising horror and frustration. 'the trees were important, not just the people' she says, betraying a complete lack of understanding of why the trees were important, as if elves were closer kin to beasts, for them both having legs.

"There weren't three days warning. And if he'd cared about there being survivors there'd have been more than that. It may have been your failure but - " she notices that she's almost shouting now, and cuts herself off.

"To the rest of the Order," she hisses, "the destruction of the black ring was a great victory, because they didn't pay for it."


“I know that there weren’t three days’ warning. I arrived too late. I don’t know what went wrong, it was an odd coincidence I was resurrected at all and by then Lucien was dead. I - you are probably right that most of the Order regarded it as a great victory. That is all the more reason all of the leadership should have resigned over it. - I understand that this must sound farcical, to you.”


"It does. You're too late to warn anyone about the deathfog, so tens of thousands of people die. The deathfog is unleashed too late to stop the black ring, so the voidwoken are unleashed on the world and kill thousands more. Somewhere in all of this the Divine gets himself killed, and now his son's going about enslaving every sourcerer he can find to bulk out his armies so they can go slaughter a bunch of lizards and add to the bloodbath. And you think he ought to resign."


The deathfog successfully stopped the Black Ring. She doesn’t want to say that. 


The war with the Empire is out of character for Alexandar and she suspects Dallis is the real driving force there and Alexandar can be reasoned with. Or at least she suspected so an hour ago; now she can't fathom Alexandar, but people are never really unfathomable and she's sure she'll get there. She doesn’t want to say that either.


 “I think I could explain my reasoning at length but not in brief, and I have not particularly demonstrated to you the kind of insight or judgment about the Order that’d make me seem worth listening to at length.

I’ve been assuming you are not especially interested in the personal character or redeeming qualities of the people who committed this long list of crimes, many of them against you, and in your place I wouldn’t be interested either.

If you are ever very bored I would be honored if you’d let me attempt the long explanation, though. I might, in fact, be wrong; I have spent the year since I came back from the dead with my close associates planning a coup, and that’s famously a situation where people make errors of judgment. And it matters very much to me, what Lucien knew, and what went wrong.”


"Not against me," she says, tiredly. "Against many others, but not against me... I'll hear you out. But not now, and not here."


“All right. Southeast, then. My allies will still take you if you decide you’d rather stab me. …well, probably not if you tell them you did that. But if you arrived with the papers, that’d do.”





She tilts her head. "Are you looking to die? Do you imagine that'd fix anything?"


“What? No! I don’t think they can pull off the coup without me, and the world’s not looking likely to fix itself! I just wouldn’t want to have a travelling companion who felt like I’d murdered their family and they’d be stranded on Fort Joy if they did anything about it.”


"It doesn't sound to me like you killed them."


“I don’t think so but I suspect that if my family had been killed some distinctions that seem very material to me would seem less so. Shall we keep to the coast, then? I’m nervous about those rumors there are undead stalking the forest.”

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