The gossip of the day is the transfer student. A ready source of gossip for any school, since they transferred in during the middle of the year. Cally already looks perfect all the time, but wasn't she supposed to have broken her wrist in gym class last week? There was blood and everything - Sadde saw it, her wrist was bent the wrong way - but not even a pale patch of skin today. Must have not been as bad as Coach thought. Or maybe she's slathering on makeup and ignoring it to seem perfect, a few jealous voices think.
Sadde will need to figure out secret magic
What does the non-glowy moss have instead? And he can Google glowy moss while he examines the two things, any other differences—?
Well. He guesses he'll collect more tomorrow. He tries examining it and the internet some more for anything else he might've missed.
He bites his thumb. Not hard enough to bleed, just hard enough that it should hurt.
...he can't go there again, can he, it's very late and his father will complain...
He goes to school the following day.