maurabel and penumbra go on an adventure
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She can't take everybody. She will take the first-batch mage from Calado, who may elect to return to Calado as an adult if they want, and she will test students from Calado in batch three when the next northern spring's babies turn two.


There is still complaining but it's not very substantive.


Yeah-huh. (How is smol Calador expat doing?)


Her Lightning finds Anitam more accessible and has been doing anaesthetic at a local hospital in order to help the family pay prison costs for the relatives back in Calado. She is happy and plays with the neighbors and does magic for them, to their fascination.




A skating rink in Yvalta gets visited by an Ice, after-hours; there's some kind of argument and then a group of drunk four-year-olds attack it with welding torches.


They survive, after a fashion; Ices can do stasis.

Maurabel gets a shadow-walk ride there with her translator Ice to try to bring them out of it. She warns everyone beforehand that sometimes this does not work and patients just die instead and this is incompatible with Shine healing. Would anyone rather leave their stasised relative in stasis until the field of magic has maybe advanced or do they want her to undo it now as best she can, ~90% odds per?

Permalink long until the state of magic is expected to advance?


There's a lot of people here and they know more about medicine than humans do but her world's been studying magic intensively with a lot of collaboration for about six local years and still (she checked, she gets a news bulletin every time she goes to clear more purchased elementals and would have heard) hasn't improved on what Maurabel learned in school.


All relevant relatives want their loved ones unstasised.


She and Ice go through them and warm them all back up.

She loses one.


His little sister is very sad. His family would like the Ice to get in trouble. 


Do they even know where the offending Ice is now? Anyway, the policy is for someone better socialized to go introduce the Ice to concepts like "just fly away if you meet drunk four year olds who have welding torches for some reason".


That's not good enough; the Ice should be in jail. (They don't know where it is.) She has an Ice with her, maybe it's that one.


Her Ice translator has been accounted for in Anitam at the time of the incident and they are going to leave now. They Shadow-walk home.


People are very angry that an Ice murdered a random innocent person!


Attacking somebody with welding torches is not innocent. She is sorry he's dead too but let's be clear.


The elemental was not in fear for its safety and could easily have left, it's nothing like attacking an Amentan or human.


Elementals are immortal but that doesn't mean you can't hold one down and torture it. Is there by any chance a security camera at the rink?


There is! 


And could the Ice have left without fighting back?


Probably. They had an argument and then someone punched the Ice and hurt her hand and then someone pulled out a welding torch and buzzed him with it and then he reacted dramatically and some of the other ones got welding torches too. 


Well. Maybe they'll find the Ice and maybe they won't. At any rate she advises not attacking elementals.


Uh huh.


The free(ish) elementals on her home world find some more high-profile targets. They take all their elementals.

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