They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
"Will they not be able to bring their parents? I'm going to start when they're two."
"Can I invite all the purple ones here early - maybe all the ones who aren't blue and green - to make sure they don't start at a terrible disadvantage from their home situations?"
"Some. This wouldn't be for magical tutoring, just making sure they know Anitami and stuff."
"I think in six months with a dozen Airs to tap I can make an artifact that makes about as much air as an Air's halo."
"Then maybe at that point give it to us and say something nice about examples of the things mages will be able to accomplish and then present them with your plan for when everyone gets visas and how long they'll be here and so forth."
"There's a kid who's being tossed around by Calado right now. The Lightning is trying but finds it unnavigable there."
He makes the case for that. Just the little mage and her parents who can't have more children anyway, not that much of a strain on Anitam. It takes a while and some favor-trading but eventually they can have visas.
Calado refuses to let them leave. The mage is a valuable national asset. And can only be swapped for another mage.
Is this the kind of refusal where if she waits an hour someone else will take charge and say otherwise?
He looks at the name. " - yeah, probably."
An hour later they are cleared to leave! Twenty minutes after that they are not and Aitim looks at the name again and thinks this one will stick.
Maurabel and her translator Ice go and apologize for the commotion and hope they will like it better in Anitam.
Assuming they are good parents, no. And the Lightning elemental friend she sent will be able to translate things for them till they have picked up the language and then kiddo can go to mage school in a year and a half.
Earth might be able to do it. Maurabel doesn't personally know enough about how sterilizations are done and she isn't sure any Earths do but it does not seem impossible in principle.
No problem.
She works on the air artifact. She winds up with a wind artifact that just moves around existing wind; her next try works. She can make those as often as she can assemble enough fresh Airs to help.