Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
Well then! They'll be homo.
Until, that is, Sadde pulls away giggling and asks, "What came over you?"
Theo turns to face her, still smirking. "See, we're being super homo," he says, then turns to kiss Sadde again. When it ends, he continues, "They're just being kinda homo."
He looks at her, a bit confused. "Have you never seen jocks being all super vaguely homo with each other? Showing off their muscles, giving each other compliments on how hot they look – no homo – and then being all touchy with each other?"
"Oh, it's quite a show. I've pushed that 'no homo' thing a little bit further than normal with more than a few of them."
Theo giggles a little at Willow's look – in a totally masculine way – then responds to what Sadde said. "I'm not sure that's super safe, honey," he says, smirking a little as he says the word but then swiftly moving on. "Anyway, yeah, the guys are busy being super vaguely homo. It was kinda fun to watch. What have you two been up to?"
Theo looks at Sadde again, a bit flatly. "I'm sure you were."
Turning back to Willow, he says, "Oh, you want to return to the gay boys?"
"… Hot straight boys? Who happen to be acting slightly homoerotically over in a group over there? Or is that also a no?"
Theo blinks, tilts his head a bit, and then, because there are two major, complete opposite ways he could take that phrase, he decides to look to Sadde for help.
"She's a lesbian," he translates. "I mean, I suspect she's actually bi with a preference for ladies but I'm pretty sure by choice the difference here is moot."
Theo nods and doesn't really know what to say – is 'congratulations' acceptable in this circumstance?
He settles for, "Oh, okay. I mean, we can talk about hot girls instead if you want, but I'm pretty sure my tastes will be horrible." Then he realizes he's not sure he's told her this, and clarifies, "Seeing as I'm gay."
"Well, I could've been bi, and I don't know if I already told you that I wasn't."
He makes a bit of a face, then takes a drink to cover for the awkwardness.