Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
He shrugs. "I mean, maybe it's like healing or something?" He thinks a bit and suggests, "If I've got sped up regeneration or something, does the spell typically only last a limited time? Or is it a permanent thing."
"… I definitely remember a bit more, uh, from the start of what I had forgotten? But that's mainly just, like, you grabbing the herbs. Like it was before, but… a bit more." He frowns. "It's really weird. But, uh, I mean, I can try remembering while you poke me with the needle, and I'm kinda curious about that, so."
He continues to frown a bit.
Theo's skin: is in fact slightly harder to pierce! She can do it, it's not too difficult, but it's probably pretty noticeably… harder to pierce.
Frowning continues! "Did you ask me to remember a number?"
"Yeah you're definitely a little bit superhumanly resistant, and yes, do you remember what number it was?"
He shrugs. "It's coming back in weird blurry bits and pieces. Kinda chronologically. … It's really weird."
"Okay, so, your kind of demon can slowly undo magic? ...maybe specifically mental magic?"
"It seems like that, so far? And I'm slightly harder to poke, I'm on the higher end of lots of human things… Okay, so, maybe it's not quite as useless as I was thinking."
"Yeah? Um, what color though, like, if it doesn't actually work to reverse it, are you gonna be able to just dispel the magic or do another magic dye over the top of it, or what?"
"Okay," he says, "then that probably sounds okay? And um, for the number I'm pretty sure it was like thirty-one thousand and something, not clear on the rest yet, and apparently there was a word that was– funny or something?"
"It wasn't funny it was weird - I'm gonna dye your hair." More rummaging in bags for appropriately sealed herbs! My, they sure have lots of herbs in their bags, don't they?
At least they're appropriately sealed.
If he tries to squint at the memory a bit and focus on it some more, maybe it'll help him remember it a bit better!
And in the meantime, Willow will crush some of the herbs in her hands, whisper a word into them, and drop the mysteriously disappearing ashes on Theo's head.
His hair does not appear to be changing back in color, if that's what she's waiting for!
If what she's waiting for, however, is if he remembers things, then after a short while he will after a long while of squinting (a couple of minutes, at most, but still, a while) say, "I thiiink the number was thirty one thousand, four hundred and… something? And the word was 'moist'. Pretty sure about that."
"Yeah," he agrees. "Not particularly nice-sounding." After a few moments, he continues, "I'm not sure I'm gonna get the rest of the number? I don't know if I would have even if you hadn't wiped my memories of it, but like, four hundred and something-ty? Four hundred and… eighty, ninety?"