Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
"Uhhh I think so?" he says, then proceeds to give some figures.
They're not ridiculous or anything, but they're on the high end of what he should in theory be able to lift, if Sadde knows this sort of thing.
Sadde does in fact know this sort of thing. "Okay, that's perfectly explainable by you being on the high end of the bell curve but honestly it's too much of a coincidence."
"Well, it's nice to know that I have, like, upper-human-level physical… things." He shrugs. "It'd be nice to have more than that – I don't know what demons typically get – but oh well."
"There's no 'typical,' calling them all 'demons' is like calling everything on Earth 'earthlings,' it's descriptively true but doesn't tell you anything about them."
"The weird fluidity and grace thing... Well you're pretty good at sports, it probably has something to do with reflexes."
"Yeah," he says. "Um, hey, Willow," he squints a bit. "For that spell thing – did you say something in Latin?"
"Yeah, I know, but I mean, it did until it didn't and I'm pretty sure it did and now it isn't so–" he stops babbling and just decides to say, "I thought it did and now I'm very confused."
"Yep," he says, then repeats a bit of the Latin that Willow said. "But I could've sworn it worked."
"… Okay. So long as it's definitely not gonna accidentally take like thirty minutes or something."
He's less worried about it now – he's already had some of his memories tampered with, so he's past that barrier, and thirty seconds doesn't seem much worse than 'like two'.
Willow grabs the herbs again—
—and now they're burnt, and both girls are looking at Theo expectantly again.
"Okay, so, I, right now, currently literally only remember you grabbing the herbs, Willow. So I think it worked. At least right now."
"I suppose…?" he says. "It took a couple of minutes last time, something like that?"
He dodges it. Really quite easily. And then grabs the pencil, because it'd be bad if the lead snapped or something.
He looks at her questioningly. "Test of reflexes?"