Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
He shrugs. "I've got that weird smooth-movement thing or whatever and apparently the ability to make some nonhuman noises. I'm pretty sure that was it? Oh, also pointier teeth but, uh, that's not much. So yeah, maybe we should see if I'm immune to magic if there's some nice way to check that."
"Are you, like, physically stronger, or tougher? Can you run faster? You know, we never did experiment on your demonhood..."
"I didn't realize I was even nonhuman until like a week ago, and I didn't know that hissing was not a human thing to do, so, uh, no, I have no idea about any of this and we should probably do experiments on me at some point, yeah."
"Okay, so, demon experiments then? I mean, I'm curious about it, but so far I haven't actually noticed much, and I don't know if that's because I'm oblivious, some weird magic thing, or if there's really not much to notice."
"Well, you are pretty oblivious... But I think we could probably ask your DILF of a father whether he's ever noticed anything?"
He makes a face. "I," he starts, then seems to fail for words a bit. "Just… no. Feel free to ask, but no."
She giggles. "Just saying, good genes. Anyway, gonna go ask him, then." And downstairs she goes!
"I think so," he says. "You said his mother was probably part demon, at least, so if it's a genetic thing, yeah."
"It is. So, um, we're trying to think of experiments to figure out what-all he gets from that and, like, you've lived with him all your life. Anything weird you ever noticed about him? Other than the being-weirdly-fluid-and-graceful-and-awesome-at-all-sports thing? And the fact that he can, apparently, literally hiss?"
"… I didn't know about the hissing," he says, then thinks a bit. "No, he's definitely done that before, I just haven't noticed it as being weird. Are you sure it's not just– a human hissing thing?"
"Oh, hm. Uh. I don't think there's anything obvious, at least? I mean, non-obvious things that are slightly weird, though, he heals quite quickly? Not supernaturally, though? … HIs teeth are kinda pointy, his nails are kinda sharp, uh, he doesn't seem to get spots or acne or anything? But these are all within regular things, and similar things apply to me, so it could well just be genetics?"
"No, not super pointy? I meant more the healing – his is better than mine, but that might just be because I remember this from when he was younger – and the acne."
"Okay, then, so no other obvious things? ...can you try hissing for me? Maybe you're the demon part and don't know it."
He tries hissing and it comes out somewhat convincingly, but it's definitely not weirdly non-human. "I haven't noticed anything else, no, but then I didn't think anything of the hissing before you told me, so I don't know."