Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
How fortunate.
When they get back to Theo's place… his dad is there! And he's also kinda curious about what they're doing, because Theo didn't tell him much, surprise surprise.
"So… have you been up to anything in particular? Anything you should perhaps tell me about?"
This is a face that says, yes, you do need to tell me about the supernatural things you're dealing with.
"Just, uh, the usual?" He hesitates a bit, and then says, "You know, magic on a dead body, cool, bye dad," and leads the others upstairs.
Unfortunately Sadde does not follow. "Apparently a demon killed our librarian and we were investigating," she elaborates.
"… A demon killed your librarian?" He raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure that's– well, no, of course it's not safe. Uh."
He frowns a bit. "Keep safe?"
"Yeah, will do, cool, bye," says Theo rather quickly.
Does Sadde follow this time?
"We'll try to keep as safe as possible, yep. And now I'll follow your son who seems to, for some reason, not want to talk to you about supernatural things." She shrugs, and does so.
Theo, meanwhile, asks Sadde, "Is it really that difficult to fathom why I might not want to talk to my dad about this stuff?"
"You realize he's not demon, right, so it means I got demon from my mom, so I'm literally not human and it's literally because of my mother who left him like eight years ago."
He seems to feel this should be obvious.
"...yeah, and? It's not like you're in this because you're half demon or whatever, you're in this because I saved you from being snack."
"Yeah, but it doesn't matter that I got into this because of some vampire trying to bite on me, because I still happen to be demon and we still happen to be doing things with demons and really, I would rather not have to."
"But I do because otherwise you're just more at risk and I would really, really rather that you – and lots of other people – didn't get horribly injured or die."
"That's the tradeoff, yes. And I still don't really get why you want to not tell your father, it's not like telling him will make it worse. It's already real."
"Yeah, and besides, he's not awful about it, so he can even help. Like, if we disappear, he'll know what could have happened and w-won't lose time wondering what's g-going on."