Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
"… Is it even gonna be open? With the librarian gone." He frowns. "… Or are you planning on breaking in?"
"Let's go, then!" Off they go to the library's door! Which is closed. Of course. So: outside! "Showtime." She starts rummaging inside her backpack.
She grabs: a paperclip and a long pointed piece of metal. And she starts working on the lock.
...what, did you expect magic?
So he follows her in and will totally follow her around as she looks for books, unless of course they stumble upon something horrifying prior to getting to any books.
Nope! Nothing horrifying. Well, blood on the floor that hasn't been cleaned up yet, everything's dark and foreboding, but not horrifying. She goes to the shelves with the demonic books and—
"Uh, there's a book missing from here."
"… Okay, I'm a little surprised that you have the books on this shelf memorized, but not really, and anyway: what book?"
"I don't have them memorized, they just happen to normally fit really snugly here and now they're not, ergo there must be a book missing. And so I have no idea what book it is, and we should see if we can't find it here somewhere."
"Do you know what color it is or anything? Or are we just gonna search the whole library for some mysterious book probably written in Latin with some weird title?"
"Oh yeah, woo, so much fun," he says, then gets to looking for mysteriously Latin books in the rest of the library with weird titles and no authors.
He'll check off the shelves first, because it seems more likely that it would have been removed and left around than removed and placed back on some other shelf. Probably. Or at least easier to check.
What about if he starts looking at the spines of books on shelves for anything spelled weirdly?
… This is probably gonna take him a while. He might get bored.