Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
Theo enters the room and looks around for Sadde. Upon seeing him, he makes his way in that direction and takes a seat next to him.
Getting his stuff out of his bag, he just says, "Hi."
"Hi," he says, looking at Theo. "Are you—" Teacher arrives! "—going to talk to me now?" Sadde finishes in a whisper.
Theo tilts his head a bit. "I was talking to you earlier?" he whispers back, a bit confused.
"I mean about what's going on in your head!" he whispers, but the teacher shoots him a quelling glance and begins his lecture.
Theo rolls his eyes, but gets on with some of the work seeing as the teacher's focused on them.
At one point when the teacher is looking away – or at least focusing on them less, at least – Theo mutters, "It's not like I know anyway."
Sadde doesn't get the time to reply before the end of the class, but then: "What does that mean?"
"Well how do you know you're okay now if the last time you thought you were okay you weren't?"
Theo looks at Sadde a bit blankly. "… Because normally when I feel okay I'm okay?" He tilts his head. "What kind of a question is that?"
Theo looks at him like he's said something bizarre. "… Okay? I don't really get why, but… Okay?"
He packs his stuff away and grabs his bag. "I should probably get to math."
And then comes lunch! Sadde's one of the first in the cafeteria, and he just sits at a table, not grabbing anything to eat.
"Hi. Um, Willow, can I—um, this is terribly mean of me, but I kinda want to talk to Theo, so, um."