Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
"Hey, Willow," he says, smiling at her. "I was just telling Sadde here that I hope she doesn't have too much fun disrupting the party."
"'Cause of my charming personality, obviously," he smirks. "And her because she's funny."
"She's also super smart and driven and interesting and creative and awesome," Sadde says, a touch defensively.
And eventually they make their way to the party! Where it's already going on.
Indeed it is! Theo goes and introduces himself to a few people, letting them know he's here.
Hi, Jeb! Hi, other random people! Anything in particular going on right now or is it just general party things?
Jeb seems a bit confused by Sadde's appearance at the party but doesn't actually comment on it. "Hey," he says, then points out some things that are going on – beer pong! Loud music! Talking and dancing! – and disappears back into the crowds.
Theo turns to Sadde and Willow, looking curious as to what they want to do. Mingle, perchance?
Theo's not particularly surprised – if you bully someone, surely you care about them somewhat – but he does raise his eyebrows and look like he's going to sigh at the whole situation.