Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
Sadde might be... flirting? He's surely making very charming faces.
Then he spots Theo and beams and beckons him over. The girl turns to look at the boy and looks... terribly bewildered.
"Hi!" he says, then looks at the girl. "I'm an attractive boy. He's an attractive boy. Two attractive boys kissing can't make this worse."
"Have you met Brittany? She's a senior, and she doesn't believe watching two attractive boys kiss is hot."
"I'm trying to convince her that she's wrong."
"Why am I even talking to you," she wonders.
"You're talking to me because I'm incredibly charming, of course."
"You're weird, is what you are," she retorts.
"I'm gonna go," she says, glaring at him and standing up from her stool.
"And I," he says, doing the same and looking at Theo, "am gonna kiss my boyfriend."
He proceeds to pull Theo in for said kiss, hoping he'll play along.
Well, if playing along means kiss Sadde, then— of course Theo won't play along, why would he kiss Sadde.
Pff. Of course he will.
Sadde kisses Theo, with an emphasis on being showy, and Brittany—
—kinda lingers, watching somewhat transfixed.
Theo's a little bit busy to respond to Willow – sorry, Willow – but he is definitely into this kiss.
He remembers what happened earlier and— twitches a little.
...the girl stalks off, and he pulls away, giggling. "I think I have just created a new yaoi fan."
"I think you have," responds Theo, smirking. "But just 'cause she's gone doesn't mean we have to stop…"
The next day, he doesn't really do much in the morning, other than texting Sadde some details about the party.
And then, well, it's finally time for him to get ready and go. Smart casual – he's pretty good at that – and then he lets his dad know he's going, and… off he goes.
It's nice that Sunnydale's small enough for him to walk there. And also small enough that the directions aren't difficult to follow. It's a shame it's not small enough to have a vampire population of approximately zero.
"Hey," he says, smiling at her. "How are you today? Looking forward to the party?"