Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
Theo tilts his head, conceding the point, and then responds to Willow, "Yeah? At least go back into the club proper instead of waiting here."
And so Theo leads the way back into the club, leaving the victim of the attack to lie on the floor and wait for an ambulance.
He feels like he should feel vaguely guilty about this. Oops.
Sadde doesn't. He's pretty sure they've made the right choice.
"Do you still question the wisdom of inviting me—us—to the party tomorrow?"
"Yes," he responds, not really needing to think about it. "But it's probably for the best."
Theo looks… faintly amused? "You did hear me say it's probably for the best earlier, right?"
"Yyup!" he says. "Because there are still doubts where I think you might also plot to do something at the party that might not be looked upon favorably, hence questioning the wisdom, but overall think it is best, and so overall am having it go along."
Theo can contribute a look too. It's probably pretty similar to Willow's, and looks something like he wants to say, "Ha. Of course. You're super super innocent, however could I forget."
"Bah!" he says, turning around and stalking off (just as he notices the paramedics arriving from the corner of his eyes).
Well, how cute that Sadde's being all… like that.
Theo turns to face Willow, raising his eyebrow. "Well, that was a bit… dramatic."
"Oh, he does that all the time. We should go after him otherwise he'll come back and glare at us and tell us we're not playing our parts right."
Theo looks at her, still quizzically. "… Couldn't you just claim to be playing the part of 'slightly frustrated friend who can't be bothered to follow him'?" He shakes his head. "But yeah, we should probably go after him anyway."
"Okay then, after him we go," he says, then turns around to look for Sadde – did he disappear really quickly, never to be seen again in the throngs of club-goers, or can Theo follow him relatively easily and play the part of 'worried friend' convincingly?
—is apparently at the bar, chatting with a girl from school, who looks torn between fascination, surprise, and mild disgust.