Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
Theo had started to go after it with the stake, but instead gets pushed to the side as it runs past. He does manage to scrape the vampire as it goes by, though.
It can totally do that! And Sadde can magic its feet out of balance.
(It may be a vampire with preternatural balance, sure, but it seems to be a neophyte so it's probably not good at it yet.)
No longer than that, but if Sadde tries to squirt holy water at its eyes? And maybe then a crucifix on its face?
And Theo is now back on his feet and running at the vampire, again with the stake!
But unfortunately for the vampire, Theo was already on his way over, it doesn't take too long for him to traverse such a short distance, and he has a stake.
Vampire, meet stake.
Theo pulls the stake out, remembering that it would otherwise turn to dust, and it's just in time, because the vampire does indeed dust.
"...okay we should probably take her to the hospital with a case of barbecue-fork-itis."
"Yeah, we probably should. … Do we just say we're good samaritans who found her, or what?"
"Oh, right, call an ambulance instead of actually taking her to the hospital? Yeah, okay."
So presumably 911 will be called.
"Well I don't know how far the hospital is. I got here like a week ago and haven't checked, which is kinda an oversight now I think about it, what with the demons and frequent attacks and generally being prepared and so on."