Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
Theo is not totally oblivious, so he does in fact notice this look, and therefore says, "What? I'm fine."
"There was. A. A scream?"
He looks around, then points in the direction it came from. "From over there?"
Theo does so, moving in the direction of the scream, frowning a bit. He's pretty sure he heard it, but if neither Sadde nor Willow did, then maybe he just imagined it.
And they'll get to a door. To a back room. Near but not right by the bathrooms.
Theo looks at it a bit tentatively, then at Sadde, then back at the door. There haven't been any more screams, audible to either Theo or Sadde and Willow.
He opens the door.
Of course.
A crucifix and a water gun have appeared in Sadde's hand god knows where from, and the vampire should consider himself squirted.
Theo, whether fortunately or not, instinctively gets out of the way when things are thrown in his direction.
He hopes Sadde is okay.
—and Willow does the same, but with a better reaction time than Sadde's, and uses magic to stop the chair.
And then Theo comes to the rescue with a stake, fortunately readily available in his jacket pocket. Because of course he was going to do this anyway. He needed no prompting.
Watch Theo be a hero and stand by Sadde with the stake!
"So, should I stake it or do you want to?"