Sadde returns home, sleeps, and then goes to school the following day. He arrives and starts looking for Theo, but runs into—
And Theo can follow, a little dazed, and continue having it done to him, really rather enjoyably.
Theo can also nibble Sadde back a bit, if he's given any time to recover or any opportunity to do it.
He might, but eventually Sadde's pressing him against the wall and being much less careful about watching eyes' opinions than he'd been a minute before.
Okay, well, as usual Theo has no objections, or if he does have any objections, they're totally outweighed by the anti-objections, or whatever those things are called – he's not really in the mood to think right now; forgive his lack of eloquence.
But Sadde is evil, don't you see, so he stops and pulls away for a second to ask, "Still innocent?"
"You f—" he starts, then breaks off, growling. "How should I know?" he asks, sarcastically, then grabs Sadde to pull him closer and kiss him again.
Oh, and they indeed are still in public.
That's a shame. It limits some of their options.
"Are you sure you want me to say?" he asks, raising his eyebrows and poking his tongue against his teeth, making a sort of 'thinking' or 'daring' face.
Well then.
"I was going to say, 'you fucker'. Because you were being a tease. Super interesting, I know."
"Oh, I wasn't being a tease, I was warming up," he says, and resumes the kissing.
And now there's biting.
Biting. And pressing against a wall. And kissing. And Sadde.
Theo's mind is a little bit stuck on 'melty' right now.
Don't forget the wandering hands!
Which may incidentally not be respecting clothing boundaries anymore.
Theo. Is somewhat curious how little they are respecting clothing boundaries. Seeing as they are still in public.
But he is super, super melty and cannot bring himself to care. He will attempt to bite Sadde back, from time to time, if possible.
They may be in public, but given that Theo's body is hidden by Sadde's own and the wall, there aren't really many people that can see what Sadde's hands are doing unless they're really trying.
And Sadde will, as usual, react very positively to being bitten, and his wandering hands may also react to that.
Theo. Is super super hidden and pressed up against a wall, so this is super nice. And he has run out of adjectives with which to describe it. It is just super.
The positivity in response to being bitten just makes Theo bite harder and more often. That just makes it more positive for the both of them.
Good! Positiveness is good.
You know what else is good? The thing Sadde's doing with his right hand right now. Theo might note Sadde now has a goal.
Theo will have to bite Sadde a few more times in response.
And that goal will eventually be reached.
Of course it will. Sadde knows what he's doing.
When it is, Sadde pulls away a little bit, looking up at Theo like the cat who caught the canary. "Not. Innocent."
Theo gives out a bit of a sigh and leans in to kiss Sadde. "Mmnope."
He… is not super sure how he feels about having done this. In a club. But still: fun.
Sadde's hands are gingerly removed from their current locations, and he plants another kiss on Theo's lips. "We should go find Willow."
Theo opens and closes his mouth a few times. "We should probably get, uh. Cleaned up or something. Because of. Things." He emphasizes this a bit and raises his eyebrows. "I'm not sure if you remember those, seeing as these things happened so long ago."
"Well, I don't," he says, raising his right hand to his lips and licking the tips of his fingers absently, "but if you feel that's necessary."
He looks at Sadde, seeming to deliberate, and then decides, "I think the answer to that would be yes."