AZ nabs Pattern
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Mercedes seems perhaps relieved by this and puts her arms back down.  "Do you have any immediate physical needs?"


"- no, I don't think so."


"Is there anything you want, that I might be able to get you?"


"I don't know how long it will take someone who has the job of people who do not know where they are to take the job away from you."


"I can tell the person who takes the job away from me, if there's something that will take longer than that."  She holds up the doodad.  "There's a document about you that everyone who needs to will be able to see."


"Uh, well, in two or three hours I will want food. Some hours after that I will want sleeping." Sigh.


She takes this down.  "Do you eat all kinds of food?"


...handwobble gesture. "I eat all kinds of food but do not like all kinds of food."


"What do you like the best, and what do you dislike?"


"I like, uh, bread and cheese and fish and things of sugar, I do not like spicy or - I don't have all the words. I like most things on Earth. I do not know what people of Génesis eat."


For some reason this causes Mercedes to look concerningly horrified!  After several seconds she swallows it into a more professional expression.  "...I'm sorry that you had to eat fish.  The people of Génesis do not eat animals."  She grabs her own wrist and applies pressure with her fingertips, with the tenor of a nervous habit.  "It's demonic.  - Or just unsafe."


"- on Earth it is safe and many people do it."


"Génesis doesn't know - at large scale - how to see if an already-dead animal is safe to eat.  And definitely doesn't kill animals to eat."


" is good that I know that now."


Mercedes nod-nod-nods and doesn't ask which of those Bella's society did.  "Someone can get you bread and cheese and - candy?  Pastries?"  The genders of the nouns she uses don't all match the ones Bella just said.


Maybe she misremembered the genders of a bunch of nouns, that is the kind of thing she'd expect to happen in a situation like this. "Pastries sound good."


Nod nod type type.


Arillegua turns to Bella and speaks with condescending (but comprehensible!) slowness and articulation.  "Hello!  Welcome to Génesis!  I will take care of you until you can take care of yourself."


"- thank you, that is very kind."


"Mmhm!  Soon we can go to my hotel.  You can wait in the lounge until then.  Let the staff," she gestures broadly, "know, if you need anything."


She is going to get so good at speaking Spanish. "Thank you. Where is the bathroom?" Okay, those she already knew.


"Somebody show her - see you soon!~"  And she chassés off.

Mercedes can take her out of the wings and down some stairs and to a bathroom.  It's basically recognizable, if a bit swanky, although it's missing the little trashcans inside the stalls, and none of the doors, sinks, or soap or paper towel dispensers require touching with one's hands to operate.


Well, she is not at this exact moment in need of a little trashcan inside the stall. She comes out a couple minutes later.


And Mercedes can lead her to a nearby set of couches and chairs.  She motions for Bella to sit but remains standing herself.  "...Do you have any magic powers?"  She looks somewhat abashed.  "I've heard that sometimes people who appear by miracle do."


"- no? Or, uh. I don't think so. Possibly Earth people have something that Génesis people do not but if we do I do not know what it is."

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