AZ nabs Pattern
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The doodad walks Mercedes through a number of tests.  She puts her watch on Bella, has it take her pulse, and enters the number into the device.  She takes her watch back, lights it up slightly blindingly, and checks Bella's eyes.  She presses on Bella's scalp in several places, with instructions to let her know if any of them hurt.  She re-asks several questions to see whether the answers stay consistent, and adds one about whether Bella has an emergency contact she'd like them to try and get ahold of.


She'll rattle off Charlie's number, sure. "In America."


Mercedes does not appear to know what to make of that.  "...What's his [something unintelligible something unintelligible]?  Do you remember?"


"I don't know those words. Spanish is my second language."


"His name on [something unintelligible].  A name and five numbers?"


"I don't know [unintelligible]. His name is Charles Swan. I do not think he has five numbers."


"...Okay.  We can look for him by name.  Can you spell that for me?"  She hands over the doodad, the keyboard of which is even stranger up close although it does contain approximately all the letters she needs.  Except w.


Is that Dvorak? "I cannot find the doble uve."


It is not, and in fact instead of being any horizontal layout, it's arranged radially, forming a partial arc.  Mercedes navigates to the special characters menu and to the regularish-letters-shaped submenu for her, which she can laboriously navigate through with the arrow keys.


While she's going through that, though, the star finishes her verydefinitelyactuallyfinal bows and struts offstage.  Mercedes pops one ear of her headset out of alignment so she can hear what the singer and some of the other staff have to say, but she doesn't move her mic very far away from her mouth.  Bella hears:

"I don't think she's probable to hurt anyone, and she seems mostly fine - " followed by a summary of what Bella's told her.
"No, we can do that next."
"Maybe???  I don't know what else..."
"Of course, Ms. Ortega."


And there does not actually seem to be a w character here, at least that she can find.


"I still cannot find the doble uve and cannot spell my last name without it."


"I'm sorry, I haven't heard of that.  Ms. Ortega had the idea that she might take some pictures with you and post them, and then because she's very famous many people will see them and someone you know might recognize you.  It seems your arrival might have been miraculous, though, so maybe no such person exists here.  I'm very sorry if so."



"I can have pictures."


Then several staff members will take back the headset and ask if they can arrange her hair a little and go for a ""candid"" shot with Arillegua handing her another bottle of water - the cameras are also weird; they're like if someone made a flip phone very flat and blocky, with the whole outer side revealing itself to be a screen she can see herself moving in (though this one is at least in color) - and a posed one with them together against a wall.  They don't ask her to smile for either; Arillegua looks photogenically concerned in both.


She can say "gracias" again and try to be angled appropriately for the camera but she is kind of concerned that if they don't know what an American or the letter W are she's not getting home this way.


After that Mercedes would like Bella to breathe real hard into this thing which isn't that different from any breathalyzers she might have tried in driver's ed, although it does have one of those weird grayscale screens on it.


This is so reasonable of them and her irritation is not rational And Yet. Huff.


The readout has lines for several drugs other than alcohol, though none that she recognizes.  All clear.

No one but Mercedes is optimizing for speaking slowly or clearly enough for Bella to really be able to follow, though she catches some things that're probably about where she'll be staying and about whether she really did appear out of nowhere.  This event was Very Filmed, so everyone's pretty on board with that being what happened.  One of the securitypeople is audibly praying and looking very moved.


"Where is this?" she asks Mercedes during a lull in the activity.


"The Domingo Moreno Theater, in the city of Las Devotas, in the country of Céle.  ...On the planet and plane of Génesis."


"Ah. That is not where I am from."


Mercedes nods rapidly and sympathetically.  "I'm sorry."


"A car was going to attack me." That's not the right word but it's probably close enough.


"I'm sorry," she repeats, and a bit awkwardly holds her arms in offer of a hug.


"No thank you."

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