When he's all done going over the bodies, he takes a last look around, unloads the ballistae, cuts their strings, and smashes them into scrap with a war hammer borrowed from a dead darkspawn. "Right, time to move on. Let's try this way."
...There are rather a lot of darkspawn approaching from that direction at a fast march. Two ogres head the group. Stalas halts in his tracks, ten feet before the right-angled bend in the road that would put the group in view, when he hears the ogres' tromping footsteps.
"We don't have room to run," calculates Stalas. He keeps his voice to a low murmur. "They'd still see us when they came around the corner. You turn back and get as far as you can as fast as you can without falling, find some rubble to hide behind if there's any available; I'll wait here and surprise them."
She swallows. "Okay." And she goes. Because clearly she can't stop him from worrying about her and if he doesn't have to do it as much maybe he'll be able to live through this.
And Stalas surprises them.
He stabs one dwarf-sized genlock, vaults over the collapsing body to land on the next one's shoulders, kicks them in the head on his way, and catches hold of a suprised ogre's flailing arm, to which he hangs on long enough to let go and drop onto said ogre's head, where he dodges its other hand and leaves a dagger in its eye as he takes a flying leap onto the shoulder of the second ogre; this one he stabs in the neck, and pulls the dagger out before leaping down to land on a human-sized darkspawn's shoulders and stab that one's eye. And so on, and so forth.
They haven't noticed Annie yet at all, being far too preoccupied with this tiny whirlwind of death in their midst. A sword scrapes across his armoured back and he ducks and spins and stabs the sword-wielder's gut. A hammer crashes down and he skips aside and stabs the offending genlock in the throat.
Annie will be over here curled up in a pocket of rubble and being 5% enthralled 95% terrified that he is about to die.
...one of them notices Annie. A darkspawn of medium height, between dwarf-sized and human-sized, but with a crouched posture and long spidery limbs. It breaks away from the melee and darts down the corridor; Stalas notices and gives chase.
The long-limbed one is fast, the only darkspawn so far that's actually been fast enough to match him; but Stalas is stronger. It swipes a clawed hand at his face and he catches the wrist and crushes it in his grip, eliciting another howl. The creature pulls a dagger, and he wrestles it to the ground - uncomfortably close to Annie's hiding place.
They roll toward her. Stalas catches a crossbow bolt in the shoulder, but seems disinclined to let it slow him down. He is determined to keep the darkspawn away from Annie.
Just as he manages to get the contested dagger into the darkspawn, the leading member of the horde catches up and attempts to bisect him with an enormous axe. In rolling out of the way, he causes both himself and the dying darkspawn to brush against Annie.
Stalas is unharmed by the contact; the darkspawn disintegrates, burning away to fine ash in an instant.
And then she flings herself at the axe-wielding one, hands outstretched.
Stalas rolls farther, bounces to his feet, and charges straight for the two with crossbows, both of whom are aiming for Annie. He stabs another one on the way. One of the crossbow-wielders looses a bolt at him, and he dodges just enough that it catches his already-wounded shoulder. His one remaining functional arm is still sufficient to kill both of the crossbow-wielding darkspawn when he gets there a moment later.
Meanwhile, the rest of them are getting in each other's way in their confusion as to whether it is more appropriate to attack Annie, attack Stalas, or flee back down the tunnel.
When the last darkspawn has gone up in a lightless flash of heat, he looks at his shoulder and says mildly, "Ow."
She drops to her knees next to him, catching her breath. "Are you going to be okay? Can I help - what do I do - I don't disintegrate you is there anything I can do? I - there might have been something but I barely touched you and I only noticed it when I touched you -"
"I think I can copy you my artifact effects. I don't know if it's with their drawbacks attached or if I can undo it. But I could let you have my regen."
"I will take your regen," he says. "It seems preferable to continuing to go around with a wrecked shoulder indefinitely. - Do you know which drawback is attached to it?"
Headshake. "No idea. Um, if it makes you blind and deaf should I give you the languages thing and/or the extra sense, too, while you can't understand the question?"
"Languages thing. I'll probably want the extra sense too but the languages thing is the minimum required to discuss the problem."