The woman nods.
"Time to go look at plants?"
"I'm not actually sure," says Tev. "The village recently... went through some troubles... so everything's a little out of order. I can show you some likely places, anyway."
Back out of the castle they go. Tev seems disinclined to begin his explanation in earshot of anyone from Redcliffe.
"So," he says on the walk back to the village from the castle, "that was the Arl of Redcliffe you just healed, and his wife who thanked you for it. The arl's son Connor has the mage talent, and they were keeping it hidden and having him taught in secret because they didn't want him taken to the Circles. Well, his secret magic tutor was a blood mage hired to poison the arl, and when that started happening, the kid made a deal with a demon. He was too young to know better. The demon possessed Connor, kept the arl just barely alive, and started using magic to kill people and make their bodies into puppets to kill more people. I'm not really sure why. For fun, maybe."
"Not yet. I guess they'll send him there as soon as it's safe to travel. This side of Lake Calenhad, you see a lot of darkspawn on the road these days."
A side effect of this situation is that Stalas and Annie get really good deals on plants without a whole lot of questions asked.
Well, that's nice. Do any of the plant vendors have useful things to say about what sorts of plants might be easily farmed by people who've possibly literally never seen a plant in their lives?
Annie attempts to discreetly figure out if these people are aware of nitrogen fixation at least in a general 'have invented crop rotation' sense and regardless of whether she can thank them that way she does so verbally.
And now she has several cultivars of potato and seeds for some non-tree fruit and miscellaneous vegetables and herbs! Hooray.
Then he pauses, reviewing this statement.
"...I can somehow tell that she's fine. Sort of in the way I can tell that my feet are still attached. I just didn't think of it until now, apparently. But there she is," he points, "off thataway, uninjured and not under stress."