"Technically it does not. It might still encourage people to acquire large quantities of dwarf blood unethically if the source of 'super-lyrium' was widely known... and I wouldn't want to mention to a templar that I was carrying blood to use as a power source regardless of the technicalities."
"I don't actually know how my regen handles blood loss, but it might be entirely possible to get large quantities of dwarf blood ethically. Maybe some of the Legionnaires have found this out in the field already."
A second blood-combination experiment is set up and run. The results are consistent with the first.
"If my blood turns into Stalas's blood does that mean if I put his blood in my blood not outside of me I'd turn into a Stalas? I sort of want to try it. Even though it's horribly dangerous. Maybe if I had Annie's healing magic...? Or maybe if somebody tried it who already had Annie's healing magic?"
"I bet we could find a Legionnaire volunteer. They're the Legion of the Dead, after all, not the Legion of the Risk-Averse."
"I guess if they volunteer it's all right... and being able to produce more glowy super-strong people would probably be useful for various reasons."
"I will happily go look for someone. And ask the Legion how the magic handles blood loss. But maybe I will do these things tomorrow. Are we done with my blood for now?"
"I probably won't go to sleep for a few hours," when she'll go to bed is a different question, "will it inconvenience you if I don't know exactly when?"
"The most reliable way to check if you enter the Fade when you sleep would be for me to actually be present when you fall asleep and check then."
"Oh. Well, I guess I could come find you when I'm about to crash if you tell me where you'll be."
Metella describes the location of the place they're staying. It's not far - still in the Diamond Quarter, in fact.
"Okay. I'll drop by when I'm about ready to sleep. Oh - and you were going to ask Stalas about the schedule-and-route thing?"
"I was. Stalas, how would you like to bring Annie to Redcliffe well ahead of the army to cure a dying person who's likely to be very helpful to both immediate efforts to save the world and the long-term political stability of Ferelden?"
"It's not going to interfere with the thing you were already setting up to go to the surface without repercussions?"
And that's that for today's business and everyone can go away and Annie and Stalas can go practice sign language.
And then she can yawn her way to Metella's address and say she's going to go to bed.