"I know of someone who did it recently to rescue a child from demonic possession, although that's hardly the everyday use case. I might do it to find out whether your spirit enters the Fade when you dream. I've done it to consult with spirits - the spirits that inhabit the Fade naturally, that is, not the spirits of nearby sleeping people. There are other uses but I'd have a hard time explaining them to someone who's not a mage."
"Attempting to experience the material world doesn't sound so bad," says Dagna.
"It's bad when you're an embodiment of the concept of anger," says Metella.
"I guess I can see that."
"And there can be subtler problems. I recently met a desire demon who wanted to experience love, and decided to pursue that goal by using her magic to immerse a human man's waking mind in a dream of a false life where she was a human woman and they were married and had three children."
"That's so weird," says Dagna.
"I suppose it is. Anyway, I wish I'd been able to suggest that she try making friends or pursuing romance without the use of mind control, but she wasn't interested in rethinking her choices and there weren't very many good prospects available even if she had been. I ended up having to destroy her."
"Well, they originate in the Fade, but it doesn't sound like that's quite what you mean..."
"I mean, apparently they don't do the whole romance-and-children thing in a recognizably human way, so do they just appear occasionally, are they adults when they start out..."
"They don't remember the very beginnings of their lives any better than humans do. People have sometimes seen things that looked like they might have been unformed spirits, but the trouble with seeing an unformed spirit is that if it doesn't have a strong sense of self yet, it can be shaped so thoroughly by your observation that whatever you happen to believe about it can become effectively true. Maybe even to the point of altering its memories. It makes it hard to ask them where they came from."
"Do they have periods of early life where they're still developing that they can remember and report on."
"I've never heard of one who did. I think it would be hard for them to remember something like that. But maybe someday I'll find a spirit of memory and I can ask them."
"I don't know. That seems like the sort of thing it would be hard for them to remember, since they'd have to have made that choice before they became a spirit of whatever it is, and their self-concept would obviously have been less coherent then..."
"Are demons and spirits different basic things or do the ones with antisocial concepts just get called 'demons'?"
"Demons and spirits are... hmm. I would say that demons are a type of spirit that works in most of the same ways as other spirits, but with some important differences in... I could call it their approach or their powers or their nature; those things are somewhat interchangeable when dealing with spirits."
Nod. "They sound really interesting. ...Is dreaming hazardous, if it sends people to where demons live?"
"Only mages are traditionally susceptible to demonic possession," says Metella. "I've never heard of a case where someone other than a mage was harmed by their spirit's presence in the Fade more significantly than simply having a nightmare, which can be upsetting but isn't harmful beyond that."
"Was that fellow who had the desire demon feeding him that fantasy possessed or something else?"
"Something else. The demon was present in the material world, because some people made some very bad decisions."
"Isn't that what templars are for?" says Dagna.
"Yes. There is an order of knights specifically dedicated to making sure that mages don't use blood magic or summon demons. They're not without problems of their own, but they do mostly succeed at their job."
"Tev mentioned blood magic but didn't know much about it except that it involved the presence of blood, which sounds more gross than dangerous."
"Ick," says Dagna.
"Yes," says Metella.