"This darkspawn disintegration thing... how far out of your way can I convince you to go in order to distribute it to as many people as possible?"
"The armies are likely to gather down at Redcliffe, by the south end of Lake Calenhad," he says. "If you came with the dwarven troops, and someone escorted you back...? I just want us to be as prepared as possible when we march on the archdemon."
"How long would this take? I don't know anything about this planet's geography." Is she squeezing Stalas's hand? Why yes, she is.
"...If you're worried about going places without me, I can come along," says Stalas. "It's, what, a few days or a week from here to the south end of the lake?"
"Don't they exile you...? I guess if they're sending a whole army along they probably won't exile them."
"Good, that's exactly what I wanted to hear," he says. "I should be here another few days while I wait for the other Warden to come in from the Circle of Magi."
"If Metella successfully prevented them all from being killed, there'll be plenty to meet when we gather the armies..."
"There was some kind of disaster, the rumours weren't very specific, but I think it involved demons? Mages and demons are a bad combination."