"I think I only got the tile, so they carve a new tile and replace the cracked one. I am very embarrassed about cracking my floor."
"Well, I agree with you that punching the person who did something to deserve it wouldn't have improved matters."
"Yes. And - I mean - one, I'm a prince, I can't just go assaulting people every time they annoy me, I have responsibilities. Two, I'm apparently some sort of axe-crushing floor-cracking force of nature and should probably avoid punching people while angry. I keep meaning to investigate what new properties this glowing thing has actually given me, but there's so much else to do..."
"I'm kind of unclear on what the politicsing you do consists of. Is it the sort of thing I could help with at all...? Since I can't do tests of your glowy superpowers for you."
"Unfortunately I don't think you can be much help with the sort of thing I've been doing, it's mostly things like telling Lord So-and-so very nicely that he should quit defrauding merchants, leans very heavily on my particular combination of princely social authority and immense personal charm."
"Tomorrow you should see about designing a swan to have engraved on an ear ornament," he says, stifling a yawn. "And I'll get someone to make you earrings with the Aeducan seal... earrings aren't very popular in Orzammar but there must be someone around who knows how they work. Oh, would you look at that, I'm a little bit tired, maybe I'll bother to sleep tonight."
Pell knocks on Annie's bedroom door.
"Uh?" says Stalas.
"There's an enormous elf in the palace asking Bhelen for troops to fight against the Blight," says Pell.
"...um?" says Stalas.
"He's a Grey Warden and he's nearly as tall as I am!"
"Um," says Stalas, picturing this.
"I thought you two might want to know," says Pell.
"Yeah, uh - good thinking," says Stalas.
"...My reading material has mentioned both Grey Wardens and Blights but what's the significance of an enormous elf Grey Warden asking Bhelen for troops precisely?"