"I'm not entirely sure," Stalas admits.
"Aren't you going to find out? Can I help?"
"Did you have any particular avenues of investigation in mind...? Well, we can talk about it after you meet Caridin, anyway."
"I'd love to!"
"Oh wow!" says Dagna, beholding him. "How do you fit into your house?"
"There is a side door," says Caridin.
"How do golems work? And, and what is lyrium exactly, why doesn't anyone know that?"
"...A very good question," says Caridin.
"Well, it looks like those two are going to get along," says Stalas, as Dagna advances into the workshop with shining eyes and a barrage of questions.
"I could stand to go do more politics, but nothing's going to suffer too badly if I take the rest of the day off to, say, practice sign language."
"...I'm very tempted but I could also just sit here and make runes and eavesdrop on what looks like it's going to be a fascinating conversation about things I'm curious about too, while you do your politics."
And Annie sits and does runes and listens to the conversation, with her own questions and remarks input as they seem topical.
Dagna is an intensely curious person. Caridin seems to appreciate this, even though he often doesn't know the answers to her questions. What is lyrium? Well, it has these properties, but no one knows where it comes from. How do golems work? Well, the answer to that is an entire specialized education, but here are some interesting ideas about golem armour like Stalas's.
Rune rune rune. At this rate she may have done one of everything by the end of the day.
"So, someone's going to be repairing my floor over the next few days, but after that do you want to move into the palace with me? To whatever extent I can even say I live at the palace. Maybe I'll start sleeping more eventually when I have less to do."
"You might live at the palace more if you weren't visiting me here all the time. But sure. Unless there's a lot of stairs between here and there, because eventually I'd have an accident coming or going from the workshop."
"No, it's a ways down the street but it's still in the Diamond Quarter. And my rooms are on the same floor as the entrance."