"If we're lucky we'll find edible mushrooms. If we're really lucky we'll find nugs, which are small mammals and can be legitimately tasty when cooked. If we're only a little bit lucky we'll find deep stalkers, which are lizards and taste kind of horrible but by all accounts still better than giant spiders."
"Can the spiders be preserved edibly in some way so I can discard them if we find nugs and mushrooms or are my options eat spider now or don't eat spider now?"
"Eat spider now or don't eat spider now. And at that, getting at the edible spider parts is going to be a bit messy if you don't want to risk me cutting them up with tainted daggers, which you probably shouldn't risk because if your magic healing can't deal with the taint it will be a big problem."
She pokes a spider. The spider disappears, except for the edible spider parts, which, suddenly unsuspended by inedible spider parts, plop repulsively to the ground.
"...Um. Did I just filet a spider."
"That's weird. What the hell kind of artifacts fell on me? Okay. How does one prepare filet of spider."
He peers at the filet of spider. "I'm unfortunately a bit lacking in the necessary supplies to cook them, but as far as I know they're safe to eat raw..."
"Humans, dwarves, and elves have mostly identical dietary needs and only differ in preferences. I can't say for sure about qunari but I've never heard differently."
"Eugh," she says, in a high sad voice. "Might have been nice if in addition to blind and deaf I couldn't taste."
She takes a few more bites and then cannot bring herself to consume further raw spider filet. She looks like she might be in danger of losing her raw spider filet.
"I know." There is a small flash of a sort of lovesick expression she's been suppressing and then it promptly goes back to being suppressed.
"Tempted to risk it. Thoughts? Six darkspawn won't give me appreciably more trouble than those spiders; up to a dozen and it could get dicey."
"All right. Let's try sneaking past them and if that doesn't work I can just kill them all."
Thataway they go.
"So, how about your life story?" he asks after the lull in darkspawn not-sightings has persisted for a few minutes.