"I'm glad that didn't happen to you, then! Magic - I mean real magic - I mean this world's magic can be dangerous too, but it's just so cool."
"Runecrafting's all right. It's the best part of smithcraft for sure. Unless maybe enchantment is better. But they're both still part of the same thing, sort of. In a way. Wait, which parts of runecrafting can humans do again? Or is it different because you're an otherworldly human? Would it be safe to test? Do you dream?"
"I don't know anything about enchantment, or for that matter know the details of which stuff I can do - I'm just starting out. I do dream, but we don't have a Fade at home that anyone knows of, I think dreaming just sort of happens by itself. I haven't noticed anything different about it since getting here."
"Wow! Dreams without the Fade! I only know a little bit about dreams, but that's supposed to be impossible!"
"I suppose it's possible we have something like it; I don't know if it would have to be obvious."
"The Fade is pretty obvious. To mages, at least. I don't know what happens if you have one without mages. Who's teaching you runecrafting? Was it hard to get apprenticed since you're a human and all?"
"I'm not formally apprenticed, at least not if that's the kind of thing you'd definitely know if you were, but Caridin's been kind enough to teach me."
"Oh, of course you'd know Caridin!" she exclaims. "I can't believe I didn't think of that! Can you introduce me? I want to ask him all about golems!"
"...I can ask him if that would be okay with him but if it wouldn't be I wouldn't like you to be a surprise."
Someone from inside the smithy calls, "Dagna?"
"That's my father. I'd better go," says Dagna. "It was so great meeting you! Bye!"
She hops off her barrel and dashes into the building.
"Hi. I made a friend on my way home. She wanted to know if you'd be willing to be introduced to her, she wants to know all about golems."
"She's a smith or a smith apprentice or something - insofar as I can judge ages she seemed pretty young. She was curious about me - wanted to know if I'm from the surface - and was even more curious when I explained how complicated a question that is. Very friendly."