Stalas goes to read to Caridin about modern engineering all night, returns to the palace to change his clothes, gets accosted by a rather aggressive noble hunter, turns her down as politely as possible, turns her down again on his way out of the palace, explains that he doesn't sleep when she suggestively asks why he was out so late, re-explains that he was talking engineering with Caridin thank you very much, and finally escapes into Caridin's house, where he is just in time to give Annie a slightly frazzled good morning hug.
"I'm fine, I just may have accidentally given someone the impression that I'm having some sort of logistically bewildering affair with Caridin."
"She wanted to know where I'd been all night, and I said I don't sleep, and she laughed in a very particular sort of way, and I clarified that I'd been talking engineering with the Paragon Caridin, and she didn't look convinced of my innocence. Uh, this conversation took place on the steps of the palace after she propositioned me on the way in and I turned her down and she waited around and propositioned me again after I left."
Snuggle. "I'm good. Today I'm going to make another batch of frost amulets for the new-touched Legionnaires and make more of the other runes until I've made at least one of each."
"Have fun with that. I'm going to help Bhelen out with a few things and then see about maybe announcing our betrothal."
"I don't want to bury the public in strange news, so I might want to wait another day, but on the other hand if rumour starts suggesting I've taken up with Caridin I might want to cut that idea down before anyone can get attached to it..."
Giggle. "Is a random cave human with bizarre magical powers less scandalous than Caridin?"
"Arguably. The random cave human is definitely the more attractive of the two, anyway, perhaps they'll just think I'm very, very shallow."
And after they have started their morning in a lovely way, Stalas has to go off and do more politics.
And Annie goes to the workshop and makes a batch of frost amulets and brings them to the Legionnaires.
And on her way back, as she passes a smithy, a young dwarf calls out to her excitedly, "Excuse me, are you from the surface?!"
"What do you mean?" says the girl. Insofar as Annie is capable of judging dwarf ages she looks maybe fifteen or sixteen.
"I'd rather not explain myself to dozens of people about it but if you want I'll tell you privately."