As soon as he taps to the side of his eye for 'see' Annie makes a noise and pounces on him and kisses him.
"I saw your face because it matters where on your face you put your hand," she exclaims, after about five minutes during which she is rather less able to interrupt herself.
"I sort of half-suspected something like this might happen but I didn't catch that it was going to make my face visible," he admits. "Should I be trying to learn Norden Sign? I get the sense I should be trying to learn Norden Sign."
Kisses kisses kisses "maybe" kisses "or a local sign language if there's one that would come up more often" kisses kisses.
"I don't," kisses, "know if," kisses, "I even know what any local sign languages are..."
"I don't know either," kisses, "I don't seem to be able to guess that languages exist without any exposure," kisses, "but there might be one."
...Interspersed with looks at his face. He has such a face.
At one point she remarks, "I'm not sure the faceblindness thing is working on you. I feel like I'd recognize you even if a bunch of people were signing at once. Maybe just you in particular. I guess it's another artifact interaction thing."
"The faceblindness thing is weird and unsettling and I think I might like it gone," he says. "But I'm pretty sure I'll remember how to sign," he demonstrates, "'look at me', which seems like enough to start with."
And it has been a long day of runecrafting and looking at Stalas and the predictable consequences of looking at Stalas and eventually Annie is asleep.