"A human with their connection to the Fade severed. I'm afraid I know little about the practice, but what little I know, I admit to finding unsettling. They gain the ability to safely work with lyrium, but lose the ability to feel emotion."
"Something else I know little about. It has to do with the ability to dream, which humans and elves can do but dwarves cannot, and to be mages, likewise."
"I haven't noticed anything different about how my dreams work since coming here... but we don't have mages or anything in particular understood to be related to dreaming in my world."
"Perhaps you should find another human to speak to about it, or someone more knowledgeable than I."
"I'll make a note of it." She does. And then back to trying each of the runes. She will do frosts to bring to legionnaires tomorrow.
"Well done." Hug. "The person who sang at the Proving has been fined and banned, no one is contesting the results, there's a rumour going around that I'm the Paragon Aeducan returned to life which I find intensely flattering, and I'm pleased by how well I'm working with Bhelen so far."
Annie giggles. "Do Paragons occasionally return to life or reincarnate or is that as silly as it sounds?"
"As silly as it sounds, although I can forgive them for going there since dwarves also don't habitually glow or crush axe blades in their bare hands. Something very far out of the ordinary is definitely going on with me, it just doesn't happen to be that."
"Oh, you know what occurred to me," she says, "is if I taught you like - even one word of some kind of sign language it would probably let me see at least your hands?"
"I have no idea," he says, smiling. "I've never been all that good at languages anyway."
"Trying to think of something two-handed and simple in Norden Sign... man, thinking about this with my magical language knowledge is deeply strange... hello's one hand, spelling is all one hand..."
"It's almost like it's trying to be unobtrusive. I can perfectly fluidly express ideas and understand you in this language but I'm still thinking in Noregrsk and I have to kinda work at it to get it to cough up words - or signs, or letters - that don't correspond to something I'm trying to say or understand right then. It'd be easy to not notice I have it if I were still in Noregr."
"Should you just give me the language thing temporarily and have me sign at you until something with multiple hands comes up? ...Should we go do this somewhere it's less likely to bother Caridin?"
"I guess that works - bye, Caridin, I'll be back tomorrow." Off to her room. "If the faceblindness thing won't weird you out too much."
"I can handle it as long as it's temporary and I don't need to be recognizing multiple people anyway."