"Oh. Huh." She thinks it can probably go unsaid that she would rather not be a golem, and it can go especially unsaid that it would probably interfere with her favorite activity.
"But since neither of us knows how to make it work for a nonlyriumy person maybe I should just see if I can make a working rune first. Maybe more of the cold ones, since a bunch of the Legionnaires wanted the magic that comes with the warmth problem."
Caridin is happy to explain and demonstrate the process of creating a frost rune. Actually there are several such processes, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, but he starts her on the one that can be most easily done sitting down and without applying heat to anything.
He also takes a moment to warn her about safety - most runecrafting processes are safe even for humans, and with her healing magic she might fare better than an ordinary human even if she slipped up, but she is still best advised to make sure the lyrium stays strictly outside of her body. Do not get lyrium in an open wound, do not inhale its fumes, do not eat it.
So she amulets it and makes more to get more familiar and precise with the tools and crafting process, because they can use a bunch of them anyway.
When she has one amulet for every affected Legionnaire she takes a break to go deliver them.
There are also more Legionnaires present, who were in the Deep Roads last time she came by. Many of them would like to be able to disintegrate darkspawn. A few would also like the healing thing, but not nearly so many, it being much less convenient overall what with the music problem.
She will poke anyone who'd like to be poked, counts the pokings, and promises more frost amulets.
And back to Caridin's house. She will try doing a different rune before making another batch of frosts though.
Caridin recommends flame if she wants something very close to frost in manufacturing process, and barrier if she wants something very different.