"Anyway. I also grew up with two brothers, both legitimate, one older, one younger. Half-brothers technically, but the distinction isn't important. My older brother Trian was one of the most annoying people I've ever met and would've made a terrible king, and my younger brother Bhelen is a scheming little shit who had Trian killed and then convinced everyone I'd done it so he could have me exiled for the crime, presumably with an eye to becoming Father's heir once we were both out of the way."
"Yes, my sentiments exactly. The night before it happened, I was talking to Bhelen and I told him what I thought of Trian as a candidate for the throne, and that if he wanted to make an open bid to replace Trian as heir I'd support him. We could have done it. If he wanted to be king, he did not need to resort to kinslaying. And yet here we are."
"That's -" Pause. "Something's moving, that way, past the nearest aperture beyond this wall, the next one after that. Several somethings but they're passing in and out of my range."
"Humanoid... assorted sizes. Um. Vaguely horrible. Probably darkspawn. I've counted eight so f- nine. Ten."
"Mm. If there's only ten I want to kill them; if there's significantly more than ten I want to flee in an orderly fashion."
"I can't run," she reminds him anxiously, following at a walk. "This is about it and then I start falling, it'd be slower but I can find the unevennesses in the ground better with the new sense..."
"I've fought my way past large concentrations of darkspawn before, when they cornered me unexpectedly. All is not lost even if they catch us. I just don't want to fuck with them if I can avoid it, not while I have someone to protect."
Nod. "Okay. But if you do have to run away, I mean - I don't know that I can do anything about your self-respect but your companion cannot run and we're being chased by monsters and if you have to leave me behind you won't lose my respect."
"I am unfortunately a bit of an overachiever. Even if I'm doomed anyway - in fact, especially if I'm doomed anyway - I'd never forgive myself for abandoning you while there was still a chance you could be saved. See also my doomed quest to save the lost Paragon and by extension hopefully the world."
And Stalas leads her through the dimly lit and often almost totally dark tunnels. At least the light doesn't matter to either of their perception of the terrain.
And she points out darkspawn when she notices them. A handful over that way. More than a handful up ahead.
...And then, at some point, there are darkspawn in two available directions and spiders the size of ponies in the third.
"Oh my god those spiders are so big spiders aren't supposed to be that big. Are darkspawn worse than giant spiders."
"Darkspawn are worse than giant spiders. Giant spiders are trivial. Which way to the giant spiders?"
"That way. They are too big how do they hold themselves up that's supposed to be physically impossible."
To the giant spiders they go. Stalas slaughters the giant spiders. Happily, Annie cannot hear them chittering and shrieking.
"...Technically these are edible. You probably didn't want to hear that."
"It's... strictly better than them not being edible... what are my other menu options likely to be?"