He shows her several stacks of metal ingots.
"Which of these appear similar to you, and which different? Can you sort them into identical-seeming groups?"
"You have the discernment of a master smith," says Caridin. "There are few who could complete this task so quickly."
"Is this, too, a magic you can offer to others? Many smiths might be interested."
"Yyyyes but the corresponding drawback is being blind and deaf with no sense of smell or Stonesense either if you normally have that. And I can only hear words through it because of a different thing I have. Which I could also share, its only drawback is an inability to distinguish people's faces which doesn't matter if you're also blind."
"I can remove it, from other people, when they're done with it, it's only me who has to keep it all the time."
"Well, it's up to them if they'd like to try it. In the meantime what are the applications of my - texture distinguishing? I'm not sure I'll be very good at smithing per se. I'm really klutzy. Not magically, I just always have been."
"I am unsure. Discernment has many uses, but the uses I know of are all very much tied to the craft... I will think about it."
"I appreciate that. And - I have decent fine motor control, I just shouldn't try to handle anything heavy or that would be a disaster if dropped. Unless I'm sitting down."
Stalas proceeds directly to this room, pokes his head in the door, and says: "Bicycles!"