"It's really unlikely that you'll run into Bhelen and not know who you're talking to. Not impossible, I guess. I'll see if I can arrange for you to meet him soon, but getting you to the Legion of the Dead is much more important."
Nod nod. "...are there unusual social protocols with them being, ritually dead, or whatever it is they are?"
"Not especially. You might annoy them if you ask after their personal lives, but it depends on the Legionnaire."
"Okay. Is there anything I might mistake for people being rude to me which actually isn't?"
"I'm sure there is, but I don't have a good way to identify it until it happens, not knowing your definition of rudeness."
And now Stalas is back!
Hug. "The Legion is interested and so are the healers. Starting in the next few days, anything a normal apothecary can't touch gets referred to you; and you can go poke the Legion of the Dead whenever you're ready."
"Now's good, unless they're really far away and I'd have to walk all day just to get there, in which case first thing tomorrow's good."
"Not that far. Well, farther if you want to get all of them, but they do have a headquarters in Orzammar and there's plenty there, they aren't attacking the darkspawn in force right now."
On goes the golem suit, and off they go to the Legion headquarters, where about a hundred and fifty dwarves are present and all but twelve of them want magic poking. Several weapons with darkspawn blood on them are available to demonstrate the cleansing property of poked people.
Annie happily pokes people with either or both of the most applicable properties as desired, and demos on the bloody weapons (and, when she nicks herself, shows off the healing too).
Everyone mostly ignores Stalas in his golem suit when he isn't saying or doing anything, and he doesn't seem inclined to correct them about his ignorability.
She'll take her cues from Stalas on that. It's not like anyone can tell if she's gazing adoringly at him, anyway. Poking poking poking poking poking.
And then the poking is over with and they can go home to Caridin's house and Stalas remembers that food exists and grabs a snack.
Okay. "I said I'd go back and talk to Cairidin about my textures thing, I should do that before I forget."