six artifact pileup annie in thedas
And they aren't nug or spider or licorice or mushrooms or honey, so they are perfect and she devours them. "Thank you."
It's all in Noregrsk and therefore illegible. "Just - notes. It helps me think and I haven't been able to for a while."
Well. She has a lot of accumulated feelings to write out. Even if most of them are "aaaaaaaaaah Stalaaaaaas" there is some legitimate complexity in there.
Meanwhile at the palace:
An apologetic servant interrupts Prince Bhelen at his desk to inform him that, item one, the paragon Caridin has emerged from the Deep Roads as a ten-foot-tall steel golem and taken up residence with a small retinue of other golems in that Ortan property by the stairs; and, item two, Caridin and one of his retinue are here in the palace requesting an immediate private meeting.
An apologetic servant interrupts Prince Bhelen at his desk to inform him that, item one, the paragon Caridin has emerged from the Deep Roads as a ten-foot-tall steel golem and taken up residence with a small retinue of other golems in that Ortan property by the stairs; and, item two, Caridin and one of his retinue are here in the palace requesting an immediate private meeting.
It would be an understatement to say that Bhelen is surprised. The paragon Caridin has shown up out of the Deep Roads when he should have been one with the Stone ages ago, and he is a ten-foot-tall steel golem that wants to talk to him right now.
Bhelen takes about ten seconds to adjust to this new state of the world where the most brilliant smith the dwarves have ever known is alive.
And also probably not up to date on politics.
He can work with this.
He clears his morning schedule (with apologies, and one extravagant gift for someone that's very touchy about this sort of thing) and arranges a private meeting between himself and Caridin.
Bhelen takes about ten seconds to adjust to this new state of the world where the most brilliant smith the dwarves have ever known is alive.
And also probably not up to date on politics.
He can work with this.
He clears his morning schedule (with apologies, and one extravagant gift for someone that's very touchy about this sort of thing) and arranges a private meeting between himself and Caridin.
The ten-foot-tall steel golem is accompanied by a smaller steel golem, not quite six feet tall and glowing faintly silver-white instead of faintly blue. The herald shows them both into the meeting room.
Caridin gives Bhelen a solemnly respectful nod as the herald leaves. His helmet's expression is perfectly impassive. "Prince Bhelen Aeducan," he says. "When I asked to speak to the king, I was told of a succession dispute. What is the nature of the problem?"
Caridin gives Bhelen a solemnly respectful nod as the herald leaves. His helmet's expression is perfectly impassive. "Prince Bhelen Aeducan," he says. "When I asked to speak to the king, I was told of a succession dispute. What is the nature of the problem?"
"It all started," says Bhelen, "a couple months ago with the murder of my older brother, Trian." He shakes his head, disgusted. He's done this bit several times now, he has it down perfectly. His restrained and moderated but still seething anger is palatable. "The foul deed was accomplished by our mutual brother, now exiled to the Deep Roads."
"It all started," says Bhelen, "a couple months ago with the murder of my older brother, Trian." He shakes his head, disgusted. He's done this bit several times now, he has it down perfectly. His restrained and moderated but still seething anger is palatable. "The foul deed was accomplished by our mutual brother, now exiled to the Deep Roads."
"Troubling," says Caridin. "I am sorry for your loss. But then who disputed the succession?"
"Father was driven into grief at the death of his son at the hands of a kinslayer - and Lord Harrowmont took advantage." He sighs. "He was supposed to be Father's friend. But immediately after my father's grief took him, Harrowmont started claiming that Father had asked him to take the throne on his deathbed, and that I -" Bhelen visibly has trouble getting out the next sentence. He steadies himself with a breath, then continues on, "I am responsible for killing Trian."
He doesn't say 'I didn't do it!' because that would seem too defensive. Of course he didn't do it. He's not defensive, he's horrified and insulted and enraged. All emotions that a good dwarven prince would feel about his father's friend taking the chance to betray him, and by extension, Bhelen.
He doesn't say 'I didn't do it!' because that would seem too defensive. Of course he didn't do it. He's not defensive, he's horrified and insulted and enraged. All emotions that a good dwarven prince would feel about his father's friend taking the chance to betray him, and by extension, Bhelen.
Caridin nods slowly. "Harrowmont was your father's second? A terrible thing, for the kingdom to be so swept by betrayal..."
"Terrible indeed," sighs Bhelen. "I would never have thought him to betray Father, let alone attempt to split the kingdom like this. These are dark times. The darkspawn only grow stronger, our people grow weaker as we fight among ourselves, bribing and blackmailing and assassinating for a taste of power."
He looks at Caridin like he's the single ray of light in a very dark cave.
"But, I'm hoping with your help, we can change that."
He looks at Caridin like he's the single ray of light in a very dark cave.
"But, I'm hoping with your help, we can change that."