"All right, time for you to sleep and me to have the world's most laborious and ineffective bath."
"Uh, maybe not simultaneously, in case something attacks while one of those things is happening. I'm not exhausted, I can stand around being ready to disintegrate darkspawn for a while."
"It'll take long enough to draw my bath that you could probably get a good solid nap in before I'm done with it. Alternately, you could lend me the disintegration power before you go to sleep, which will also make me less unhappy about water temperatures."
"Fair enough. I'd offer to help haul the water but I'd probably spill half of it." She holds out her hand to offer the disintegration power.
Relevant information: the spiders are stirring outside Ruck's cave.
"Let's go find out if the darkspawn disintegration power does indeed filet them," says Stalas.
"Okay." Since spiders don't carry weapons, especially not ranged ones, Annie feels reasonably safe just strolling up to them.
Stalas strolls up to and prods a spider. Filet of spider ensues. The other spiders attempt to bite them both and are likewise dealt with.
"It's conceivable that they might be improved by cooking and that we might be able to find a functioning stove around here," says Stalas.
"A big metal box in somebody's kitchen, ideally with some form of fuel still in it and a cooking pot on top."
That house over there totally has a big metal box in the kitchen with some lumps inside and a cooking pot on top!
Stalas successfully causes fire. And hauls a potful of water up from the river so Annie can make spider stew.
With the disintegration power active, he is no longer personally encrusted in weeks-old darkspawn blood, but all of his clothing and equipment still is, and all forms of grime that aren't direly toxic remain in place. He silently revises his bathing plan to include laundry and armour maintenance beforehand.
Annie rummages in the kitchen to see if there are any spices or flour or anything like that which might still be edible and make the spider more tolerable.
Meanwhile, Stalas hauls water. Haul haul haul.
Do the seeds seem like they might be a spice? Which might improve spider?
(Haul haul haul.)
Well, anise is better than spider. She eats a seed on its own to make sure it tastes okay while the pot of spider is boiling. Then she puts a handful in with the boiling spider. What the fuck do these spiders even eat.