"...um? Are you okay?" says Stalas.
Instead of answering, Ruck begins to cry.
"Might have something to do with why he doesn't want to talk about how he ended up stranded in a cave eating darkspawn," murmurs Stalas.
Then he starts to hum.
Then he screams.
"Aah!" says Ruck. "Aah!"
"Well, now we know what the drawback of the healing is."
Annie sits up, shivering and definitely not lurching Stalasward for a hug. "Humming. Oh, god, I kind of need to know if it's just humming and I really don't want to test it."
"Give it to me and I'll go off to an isolated corner and attempt to quietly sing," says Stalas. "I mean, if it just hurts and isn't some unrelated horrible sensation."
"Yes, but I have that thing where I'm in love with you and I'm not sure I can argue my brain into letting you test a thing that hurts that much to spare me temporary discomfort."
"Not even if I don't mind? I really don't. I regard the prospect of testing this with approximately the same attitude I have toward killing giant spiders. It's not my idea of fun but it's not hard and it's not really worth making a big fuss to avoid."
"You could have maybe talked me into it if I hadn't just tried it. I'll - think about it and see if I get anywhere. Annnnnd if you need the power for other reasons and then run away and test it I won't be mad at you or anything but it makes my skin crawl thinking about it."
Ruck has recovered from both the screaming and the tears. He sits quietly in his corner for a minute longer, and then gets up and returns to the entrance area of his little cave.
"...thank you," he says. His voice is much steadier now.
"Do you still want to test the rest of them?" asks Stalas.
"It's... I... yes," says Ruck.
"Should I take back those two or would you like to keep them in case they're useful if you land somewhere else?"
"Take your time thinking about it," Stalas says gently.
Ruck nods. He fidgets for a minute or so. Then he says, "I... want to keep them. I don't want... the darkness again."
"Okay. I've also got... a weird sense, sort of like Stonesense but for things besides stone too... and a language thing... and that's all I know about that's good besides the thing that's letting me share these in the first place, which won't do you any good."
"Thank you," says Stalas. "Which one first?"
Stalas looks intensely sympathetic.
(Stalas is quietly impressed.)
"What's wrong?" says Stalas.
"I can't... faces?" says Ruck, puzzled.