This van labeled HAZARDOUS MATERIALS is also on its way to school.
The van hits a patch of black ice. It goes spinning, it turns over, it slices itself open on a wrought-iron fence with spikes, and it disgorges boxes which smash open on the pavement. Some of them skitter clear into the slush.
Some of them - along with most of the van - land on Annie.
There is a whirl of bewildering pain and confusion -
- and she falls to the ground, injured and in more kinds of discomfort beyond that and moaning.
She slowly starts to heal before the eyes of her sole witness.
"...I'm actually really curious about how anvils are made." And she'd be useless clearing a tunnel and it's really hard not to swoon.
Stalas traipses off at the head of a squad of golems.
Caridin assembles assorted tools and does smith things. Apparently he does not need the seven-and-a-half-foot-long iron hammer for anything, because he lets Stalas walk off with it.
Annie tries to stay out of his way, but - from across the room - observes, and asks questions.
She doesn't know anything about smithcraft but she's pretty good at articulating her questions.
"...haven't changed all that much since your day. The Proving got bloodier, though, which I absolutely hate. There's a whole culture around Proving deaths now, counting them up and betting on them. It used to be a huge scandal if someone was permanently injured, and now it's 'ten gets you five there'll be a fatal poisoning tonight!'"
"Obscene!" says Tamek.
"You could've made that bet in the Orzammar I remember, in the right neighbourhood," says Kador.
"Yeah, but you wouldn't have heard it shouted from the stands," says Stalas.
"Depends where you were standing," snorts Kador. "No, no, I see what you mean."
"It's sort of hard to explain when I don't know how much context you have," says Stalas. "People fight each other, for various reasons and with various explicit and unspoken rules, in a big arena with a lot of other people watching. It used to be the custom that you weren't supposed to seriously hurt your opponent, and I still play that way when I fight in a Proving, but hardly anyone else does and it pisses me off because I resent any situation that involves dwarves needlessly killing each other."
"It's... like a sport; I wouldn't necessarily say it is a sport. It's more serious than that, a lot of the time. You can hold a Proving to determine certain questions of honour - if Bhelen hadn't heaped bribes and blackmail on the Assembly and I'd had any chance to contest the charges, I could've demanded that he fight me over it. Or more likely that his champion fight me. It's usually customary for both opponents in an honour Proving to name champions, but I'm a better fighter than anyone I'd be willing to ask."
"How did a human end up down here?" wonders Hesta. "What was that earlier about another world?"
"I'm from a world where all the magic is in the form of magical objects, which confer a drawback and a benefit on whoever touches them. Sometimes the drawbacks are one time things like 'transported to a completely different world'. It was an accident."
"How's the anvil coming along?" says Stalas.
"Very nicely," says Caridin.
"Do I have time to go looking for something to feed to Annie?" (Caridin nods.) "Annie, hungry?"
"Eating," says Pell. "Now there's one thing I don't miss. Nor what comes after."
"Is spider a fashionable new delicacy?" asks Kador with a stone smirk.
"Don't be disgusting," says Tamek, to both of them.
Stalas laughs outright.
"I don't have a sense of smell and the most I can say for it is that it's improved with anise and sufficient boiling."
"I hardly have anything better to do," says Kador.
"Might be fun," says Pell.
"I will remain here and guard the forge," says Tamek.
"I'll stay too," says Hesta. "You boys have fun."
"So, how's Caridin doing?" asks Stalas as the four of them traipse out through the trap-laden tunnels. (Kador and Pell know how to deactivate and circumvent everything; there is very little danger.)
"It's sort of hard to tell, but he seemed happy enough answering all my questions and might have sort of calmed down over the course of it?"