"It's conceivable that they might be improved by cooking and that we might be able to find a functioning stove around here," says Stalas.
"A big metal box in somebody's kitchen, ideally with some form of fuel still in it and a cooking pot on top."
That house over there totally has a big metal box in the kitchen with some lumps inside and a cooking pot on top!
Stalas successfully causes fire. And hauls a potful of water up from the river so Annie can make spider stew.
With the disintegration power active, he is no longer personally encrusted in weeks-old darkspawn blood, but all of his clothing and equipment still is, and all forms of grime that aren't direly toxic remain in place. He silently revises his bathing plan to include laundry and armour maintenance beforehand.
Annie rummages in the kitchen to see if there are any spices or flour or anything like that which might still be edible and make the spider more tolerable.
Meanwhile, Stalas hauls water. Haul haul haul.
Do the seeds seem like they might be a spice? Which might improve spider?
(Haul haul haul.)
Well, anise is better than spider. She eats a seed on its own to make sure it tastes okay while the pot of spider is boiling. Then she puts a handful in with the boiling spider. What the fuck do these spiders even eat.
When the stew is an undifferentiated mass of horrible glop she takes a bite.
(Haul. Haul. Haul.)
Right then. She will save the honey for later, she has no idea how long they'll be down here. She eats most of the pot of liquorice stew. ...She will save most of the honey for later and have one spoonful now. With a separate spoon that has no spider on it.
"Yeah, lots better. Helped that I found some sort of anise spice. And I found honey! Honey keeps forever. I might check other houses for it now I know what its texture's like."
Annie finds the least horrible bed available and tells Stalas where it is and lays out her coat on it and lies down.
And has a long, awful cry, which she tries to keep subdued but has some trouble with because she is stone deaf and crying is not a form of language.
...And then he cleans his armour and weapons again. And contemplates washing his clothes again but decides that at this point it wouldn't gain him anything and he should instead try to see if he can detect any signs nearby that indicate the availability of a more appetizing meal than filet of spider.
He finds an unpleasantly populous spider nest, where all of the spiders are so tainted he can't even filet them and just disintegrates them completely on contact; and in the remains of the spider nest he finds several nug skeletons and Branka's expedition journal. He brings the book back across the river, reads it in front of the house where Annie is sleeping, then crosses the river again and pokes around the vicinity of the spider nest until he finds a live nug and a mushroom patch. Nug and mushrooms are brought to the house for Annie to have for breakfast.
It's been a while since his last breath of lyrium, but he doesn't feel like he's starting to run down. Weird. Still, they should look for lyrium first thing when next they set out.
Annie wakes up, detects Stalas, and goes over to him and says, "Hi. Anything interesting happen while I was asleep?"