"Yeah. In particular, I can safely take 'disintegrate darkspawn on contact' before a fight if I want it, although I'm not sure I do. The way I fight when I'm up against large numbers of darkspawn is pretty heavily adapted to them not vanishing as soon as I touch them."
"I don't suppose you have anything to... to write with so we don't forget which is which."
"I don't. Ruck might," he says, going over to check Ruck's heap of miscellaneous items.
There is indeed some miscellaneous paper and a few writing utensils, of which the graphite stick is still in usable shape. Stalas sits down on the floor of the cave and starts writing.
"Um?" says Stalas, looking up. "Are you all right...?" It doesn't look like definitely unhappy crying, but he isn't sure.
"I can read, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to read, it could have been different for spoken and written," she manages. She's still carrying her shirt; she dabs at her eyes with it.
He finishes writing the list.
- Healing power - pain around humming
- Disintegrate darkspawn (filet spiders?) - uncomfortably warm
- Extra sense - blind, deaf, can't smell, can't Stone-sense
- Language thing - can't recognize faces
- Give and revoke pairs of magic - vanish to another world
- (unknown) - magic love thing
"No trouble. You want to carry it? Runs less risk of getting darkspawn blood all over it that way."
"All right, time for you to sleep and me to have the world's most laborious and ineffective bath."
"Uh, maybe not simultaneously, in case something attacks while one of those things is happening. I'm not exhausted, I can stand around being ready to disintegrate darkspawn for a while."
"It'll take long enough to draw my bath that you could probably get a good solid nap in before I'm done with it. Alternately, you could lend me the disintegration power before you go to sleep, which will also make me less unhappy about water temperatures."
"Fair enough. I'd offer to help haul the water but I'd probably spill half of it." She holds out her hand to offer the disintegration power.
Relevant information: the spiders are stirring outside Ruck's cave.
"Let's go find out if the darkspawn disintegration power does indeed filet them," says Stalas.
"Okay." Since spiders don't carry weapons, especially not ranged ones, Annie feels reasonably safe just strolling up to them.
Stalas strolls up to and prods a spider. Filet of spider ensues. The other spiders attempt to bite them both and are likewise dealt with.